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Truth About Candida: The McCombs Plan

Candida, Candida Cleanse, Candidiasis

The McCombs Plan is a kind of “candida” cleanse that involves taking supplements, eating according to strict dietary guidelines, sweating in a hot bath or whirlpool tub and drinking a lot of water.

Formerly called the “Lifeforce Plan,” the McCombs plan was designed by Dr. Jeffery McCombs, the author of “LifeForce: A Dynamic Plan for Health, Vitality and Weight Loss.”

Some people who are dieting are interested in cleanses – especially those that rid the body of Candida albicans, a form of yeast. Some people ask me, “Is Candida a real medical issue?”

Systemic candida is certainly real to people with AIDS, cancer and other serious illnesses who become infected due to compromised systems. An overgrowth of C. albicans, which lives in most people with no harmful effects, is called “candidiasis” or thrush. Candida is a real problem for people who have been treated with series of antibiotics.

I’ve tried the McCombs Plan for several weeks and found it to be challenging, yet helpful. I found the best thing the plan did for me was help push me toward higher consumption of fruits and vegetables. I also think twice before eating breads, sweets and foods that create the perfect environment in the body for yeast to grow. Also, I take probiotics religiously.

Here’s what you need to know about the Lifeforce or McCombs plan to rid the body of candida:

No. 1: According to the McCombs plan, you must take three supplements: Candida Force, Detox Essentials and Flora Prime. The diet comes with a quick guide that tells you how many capsules to take, when and for how long. The diet is an elimination diet that removes various foods and then adds them back eventually.

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No. 2: The McCombs plan requires you must drink 1 quart of purified water for every 50 pounds of body weight each day.

No. 3: During the McCombs plan, you need to sweat in a bath or sauna six times a week for at least a half hour. Exercise is not included as a form of “sweating.”

No. 4: The McCombs plan allows potatoes, fruits, vegetables and most herbs and seasonings as well as protein, brown rice and extra virgin olive, coconut, almond and apricot oil. Some candida cleanses do not allow fruits and potatoes but the McCombs plan is more lenient on that point.

No. 5: The McCombs plan does not allow for sugar, sweets, breads, white rice, processed foods that contain yeast, gluten, MSG, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, fruit juice (although whole fruit is OK).

The McCombs plan/candida cleanse is not easy, but it’s doable. It’s excellent for overcoming an addiction or dependence on sugar or gluten.

My favorite McCombs plan acceptable breakfast includes the following: dice peppers, onions, potatoes and sauté in olive oil. Scramble an egg and mix together with vegetables. Add slices of turkey and avocado on top if desired, and season.

Is Candida real? It is real — but that does not mean candida is the source of all of what ails you. At the same time, trying a healthy diet and taking probiotics can only help you.

For me, the best thing about the plan was coming off of it! But don’t get me wrong – I did not totally go back to my former ways. I now eat WAY more fruits and vegetables and appreciate healthy foods that may include a few of the ingredients forbidden temporarily while on the McCombs candida cleanse. If you are convinced you have an overgrowth of candida, I highly recommend this plan. As a bonus, weight loss is steady with this plan.

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Source: The Book, “LifeForce: A Dynamic Plan for Health, Vitality and Weight Loss.”
