Articles for tag: Candida, Candida Albicans, Candida Infection, Candidiasis, Human Anatomy

Karla News

What is Candidiasis?

Probably the most typical yeast infection or type of candidiasis now seen is thrush. It mainly involves the area of a woman’s genitals. It is rare for men to contract the disease, but it does happen. Man or woman, you can get a yeast infection that only affects a particular part of your body. On ...

Mouth Sores? See Your Dentist

“Every time I have a test, every time I prepare for a date, even when I was preparing for my driver’s test, I break out. Is there anything I can do to make it stop?” It is surprising how often this question comes up in dental offices. That’s OK. Your dentist is the right person ...

Karla News

How to Treat Candida Naturally

Candida is quite possibly one of the most misunderstood medical conditions in existence today. When most people hear the word “yeast” they think of the vaginal yeast infection or oral thrush. The reality is that yeast infections, caused by the Candida albicans organism, can be quite complicated and can impact men, women, and children alike. ...

Karla News

Oral Thrush: Fungal Infections in the Newborn

Oral thrush, also known as simply “Thrush”, is a common term used to describe a medical condition known as an oral form of Candidiasis. As a fungal infection of the mouth, many parents are alarmed at the presence of thrush in a newborn. While most notable in the first few weeks following birth, Thrush can ...

Karla News

Truth About Candida: The McCombs Plan

The McCombs Plan is a kind of “candida” cleanse that involves taking supplements, eating according to strict dietary guidelines, sweating in a hot bath or whirlpool tub and drinking a lot of water. Formerly called the “Lifeforce Plan,” the McCombs plan was designed by Dr. Jeffery McCombs, the author of “LifeForce: A Dynamic Plan for ...

Fatal Fungal Infections of the Body

Fungal infections of the body can be harmful and severe or minor and insignificant. We are all familiar with fungal infections of the feet. This type of infection is common and rather insignificant. Most people have had a case of athlete’s foot at one time or another. Everyday many people around the world are infected ...

Karla News

Yeast Infections & Candida

Candidiasis is an infection caused by the over-growing of the fungus called Candida albicans. Yeast is common in or on the skin, mouth, penis and vagina, these are areas where a yeast infection can occur. Yeast infections are generally more occurring in women than men. Candidiasis is a parasitic yeast like fungus that inhabits the ...