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Top Educational Travel Toys for Toddlers

Educational Travel, Leapfrog, Toys for Toddlers

Since so many families are getting ready to start traveling, parents are eager to find travel toys that will keep little ones happy. There are just so many toys currently on the market, and it can be difficult to determine which one is best. One thing that many parents know for sure is that you can not just go by the price. Below you will find some of the top educational travel toys that are currently available for toddlers.

My Pal Scout

The first item on the list is the “My Pal Scout”, created by Leapfrog. This is a cute little puppy, that plays music, and games. You can even customize some of the activities. You can order this directly from the Leapfrog website for about $19.99 or you can visit Toys R’ Us, and Walmart. This toy is great for kids between the ages of six months, and three years. This toy is little enough to carry around, and keep your child entertained when you are traveling around. They also have a “My Pal Violet”, which is perfect for young girls.

Chat & Count Cell Phone

Next on the list is the Chat & Count Cell phone. Little kids love the idea of acting like their parents. This phone is a fun educational toy that little kids can carry around anywhere. It has a total of fifteen activities on it. The cost of this toy is about $14.99. You can purchase this directly from the website, or you can visit Toys R Us, or your local toy store if they carry leapfrog products. This toy is great for kids six months and up.

See also  5 LeapFrog Toys that Make Great Gifts for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Alphabet Explorer

Next on the list is the AlphaPet Explorer. This toy is great for kids between the ages of twenty four months to five years old. This toy will help your child learn the alphabet, and keep them entertained for hours. It is very easy to carry around, and transport when you are traveling. The cost of this toy is $19.99, and can be purchased directly from the LeapFrog website.

Learning Baby Tad

This toy is big, cuddly, and great for helping your little one learn their numbers, the alphabet, and even some beginning words. The age group for this toy is six months to three years. The price of this toy is $21.99. You can find it on the LeapFrog website, or from your local toy store which carries LeapFrog products. What is really nice is that you can easily travel with this toy. Your child can hold it while they are riding in the car. Before you know it this toy will be one of your child’s favorite.

Soft ABC Animal Backpack Travel Bag

This travel backpack is great for when you are planning to travel with your toddler. The backpack is very bright, and has animals that represent the alphabet letters. This particular travel bags helps your child to put their imagination to good use. The price is $14.99 at Toys R Us. The age group that this bag covers is from eighteen months to four years of age.

So there you have some of the best educational travel toys for toddlers. I have found it best to take your toddler along when you are looking for the travel toy to help you decide which on the list they would like the best. Or if you don’t want to go to the store, you can instead show them a picture online and let them choose that way. What is really nice about all of these toys is that they are educational, and affordable. So even if you are working with a tight budget you should have no problem finding something that you can use.