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Top 5 Must See Movies for 2009

Coming up with a list of the top 5 most anticipated movies of 2009 probably should have been a top 10 list. Why? Because there is an absolute plethora of great movies coming out this year, and narrowing it down to just 5 was more of a headache than I’d anticipated. With the recent Oscar Award Ceremonies we were reminded just how many great movies came out in 2008. From an indie film like Slumdog Millionaire to a major blockbuster like The Dark Knight 2008 featured some truly memorable performances, and it will be interesting to see if the crop of films of 2009 can meet or exceed the standard set by 2008’s best films. However, this list is not necessarily about the best movies of 2009, but the ones that movie fans everywhere are anticipating the most. Which films qualify? Here are my picks for the top 5 must see movies of 2009:

Star Trek – Star Wars fans might argue, but in my opinion no other science fiction movie franchise has fans as rabid as those who follow the Star Trek series. I am not among those legions of fans (though I will admit to enjoying Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan a great deal) and I have often voiced the opinion that it was time for the Star Trek series to die. However, even an anti-Trekkie like me is curious to see how this prequel, also known as Star Trek Zero is going to turn out. The story goes back to Kirk’s and Spock’s first meeting, and they and the crew ended up on the USS Enterprise together. This film might be the most anticipated of the Star Trek movies since Star Trek: The Motion Picture graced the screen in 1979.

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4 – Terminator Salvation – Though Christian Bale’s recent angry rant at an unfortunate crew member who walked through his scene might have been way,way way over the top it does illustrate just how passionate this talented actor is about this project. Bale’s acting ability helped reinvigorate a Batman franchise that had become little more than a joke among fans, and though the late Heath Ledger’s Oscar-winning turn as The Joker might take the lion’s share of the credit for the massive success of The Dark Knight, it is ultimately Batman, played by Bale who carries the series. Now Bale is hoping he can have the same impact on the Terminator movies. After the staggering success of the first two Terminator films the series hit a speed bump when the 3rd movie in the series, Rise of the Machines failed to live up to the standard set by director James Cameron in Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day. Directed by McG, who helmed Charlie’s Angels and Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle, Terminator Salvation should build upon the momentum started by the popular TV series, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Hopefully the movie lives up to the hype as Bale is signed on for two more Terminator movies after this one.

3 – Monsters vs. Aliens – Though animated film heavyweight Pixar has a new film out this summer called Up, I am personally more excited by Monsters vs. Aliens from Dreamworks Pictures. The studio that brought us the Shrek movies, Over the Hedge and Kung Fu Panda is taking a serious run at Pixar’s title as the biggest animated movie studio on the planet. Monsters vs. Aliens looks hilarious from the previews and will feature top notch voice acting from the likes of Seth Rogen, Paul Rudd, Reese Witherspoon, and even talk show heavyweights Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel. Look for Monsters vs. Aliens to rack up a few hundred million dollars domestically this summer.

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2 – Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince – Yes, another installment of the biggest book and movie franchise on the planet. The marketing phenomenon that is Harry Potter just won’t stop, despite the fact the author J.K. Rowling has long since finished the Harry Potter series of books. Now, with the final two movies the only outlet for Potter-starved fans, look for the films to be even more anticipated than before. Don’t be surprised to see Harry Potter’s latest on-screen adventure rake up over a billion dollars worldwide. The Twilight series might be gaining immense popularity among kids these days, but it has some serious work to do if it wants to dethrone the champ.

1 – Watchmen – This is one movie that might make a list of the most anticipated movies of all time simply because it has taken so long to finally find its way to the screen. Based on the popular comic book series by Alan Moore, Watchmen has been anticipated for more than 20 years by rabid fans who original bought this limited 12 comic book series back in 1986-87. All of the original characters are represented including Night Owl, The Comedian, Ozymandias, Dr. Manhattan, Silk Spectre and more. No real Hollywood heavyweights will star, and the movie features an eclectic cast with singer Matthew Goode and Sin City’s Carla Gugino some of the bigger names involved. If this movie delivers what it promises it should rack up some impressive numbers at the box office as legions of the comic book series’ diehard fans hit the theater again and again.

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Honorable mention: Pixar’s Up, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, The Lovely Bones, Angels & Demons