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Top 20 Superhero Movies

The Avengers Movie

Do you love super hero movies like I do? Here is a list of the top superhero movies of all time.

1. The Dark Knight -How can you ever go wrong with the Joker, then adding a good storyline and a dark realism to the story just makes this movie a classic.

2. Ironman -The humor, action sequence, and cool suits make this a great movie.

3. Spiderman 2 -Doctor Octopus as Spiderman’s nemesis was a great opponent for him in this movie.

4. Spiderman -They stay pretty true to the origin storyline except for a few things like the web shooters. But all in all it was a good movie all around.

5. Superman 2 -It was great seeing superman battle it out against 3 villains with the same powers as he.

6. Batman -This 1989 classic was a turning point for Hollywood and their interest in superhero movies. Having Batman battling the joker is always a great storyline.

7. Batman Begins -It was good to reboot this franchise in a more realistic point of view, and adding new characters like the Scarecrow and Rah al ghul was a nice twist.

8. Superman – The original Superman movie was the 1st superhero movie that was of good quality.

9. Ironman 2 – A good carry on story of Ironman leading up to the Avengers movie.

10. Blade -An exciting movie of a not so famous superhero character. It had a lot of action and a new way to look at a vampire as a superhero.

11. The Crow -This movie based on one man’s revenge after he and his love interest were killed then resurrected to make things right.

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12. Watchmen -Based on the 80’s book, the story adds a twist on superheroes in this alternate universe.

13. X-men -X-men are one of my favorite group of superheroes. It was a good movie to see them finally hitting the screen battling Magnetos and his Brotherhood.

14. The Incredibles -A Great Pixar film of a family of superheroes getting their identity back.

15. Hellboy -An interesting comic book, having a demon who’s supposed to be the key to the Earth’s destruction actually be its savior.

16. X-men 2 -Again I love the X-men, but I just wish they could have stayed true to the origins in this as well as having a better villain.

17. The incredible Hulk -A big change and a good idea to reboot from the last movie. This one had a great villain and possible tie-ins to villains in the future.

18. X-men 3 -I really like the action in this one, but the story-line is beginning to get farther from the comic.

19. The Mask -A funny and unique movie involving Jim Carrey as the Mask.

20. Daredevil – Some people hated this movie so I had little expectations. I actually thought it was really good. It was a good way to introduce Daredevil, Bullseye, Electra, and The Kingpin.