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Top 10 Songs by the Bee Gees

Bee Gees, Disco

Now that American Idol is back for another season chock full of “theme nights,” I’m wondering if they will head back to the Bee Gees catalog for another round of what Simon Cowell might call “karaoke” tribute. The Bee Gees had a great deal of popularity starting in the late ’60s and lasting throughout the ’70s. For many people, the Bee Gees are synonymous with the disco movement of the ’70s, thanks in large part to John Travolta and the movie Saturday Night Fever.

Bee Gees Top Ten # 1 – “Stayin’ Alive

This is the quintessential disco song; you may not know the verses but everyone knows the familiar chorus: “Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive”. It’s a fun, feel good song that you can let loose to while singing.

Bee Gees Top Ten # 2 – “To Love Somebody”

This song hits home with the romance and feelings. It’s very heartfelt and emotional. If you’re single, the song makes you want to know the feeling at the heart of the song. If you’re attached, it makes you glad that you can identify with the narrator.

Bee Gees Top Ten # 3 – “How Can You Mend A Broken Heart”

I like the irony of this song; the chorus asks, “How can you stop the rain from failing down? /how can you stop the sun from shining?” The answer is you can’t do those things which mean you can’t mend a broken heart either. The tune is catchy and most every person can identify with a broken heart.

Bee Gees Top Ten # 4 – “Night Fever”

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This is the typical disco, feel-good sound that the Bee Gees made popular. The lyrics are sultry and hot which makes the song fun and flirty. Even if you don’t know the lyrics, most everyone knows the chorus and it means it’s fun to sing-along.

Bee Gees Top Ten # 5 – “How Deep Is Your Love”

It’s a great ballad that has that classic disco sound, but I love how the song seems to build with the orchestration. I can’t say I like the idea of needing to prove my love to someone, but nevertheless, the song is catchy and I always find myself singing along.

Bee Gees Top Ten # 6 – “Emotion”

This is a song about breaking up and the ensuing heartbreak. Everyone has experienced a break up and the full range of emotions that accompany the hurt of loosing a love.

Bee Gees Top Ten # 7 – “Jive Talkin'”

Another classic disco tune that makes me smile when I hear it. It’s fun to sing-along with this Bee Gees staple song.

Bee Gees Top Ten # 8 – “More Than a Woman”

This is the traditional disco tune, but the lyrics are very nice. The words are what any woman would hope her man would say of her. It’s a great love song with the classic ’70s sound.

Bee Gees Top Ten # 9 – “I Started A Joke”

This isn’t my favorite Bee Gees song, but I like the theme of alienation. This song breaks the ’60s and ’70s feel-good mode, which makes it ground breaking in a sense; the song deserves to be in the Bee Gees top ten list.

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Bee Gees Top Ten # 10 – “Islands in the Stream”

Written by the Bee Gees, Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton originally recorded the song in 1983. Since that time, the Bee Gees have re-recorded it. It’s a great, upbeat love song that essentially says “no matter what it’s you and me”.