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Top 10 Best Kid Videos on YouTube

Kids are something else. They can be so funny at times. Its nice when you have the camera rolling during their funny or not so funny moments. This is my Top 10 list of kids on YouTube.

1. Nintendo Sixty- Fooooooour
Kids are the best when filming someone. They don’t care what is going on around them and if there happy they let the whole world know. This is exactly what’s happening in this video. A children gets a Nintendo 64 for Christmas and he and his sister show their excitement.

2. Best Baby Breakdancer in the World!
I have seen this video in many emails and I know why. This child can break dance better then any adult I know. He is really good at it. Its very cute watching him on the stage strutting his stuff. He doesn’t even pay attention to the camera which is the best part. Very cute and funny at the same time. This is always going to be a favorite of mine.

3. Crazy, Lunatic, German Kid freaks out
This has made my list because its funny and stupid at the same time. This kid completely freaks out because his game wont start. He screams at the computer and beats the crap out of it. During the game is behavior does not change. Then he freaks out because a button fell off his keyboard and he cant find it. Its a longer video but pretty funny.

4. Igor Falecki Drummer-4 years old
This 4 year old is absolutely amazing. He is playing the drums better then most adults I know. I don’t know to much about playing the drums, but I do know its hard for adults to learn. This kid plays a full drum set and he sounds great.

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5. Laughing Babies
This video is pretty much 4 babies and a mom laying in bed. All the babies are cracking up at dad who is filming this picture. My thoughts are they are laughing at their parents and all the plans they have set up to get mom and dad back. They are quadruplets and they look like they are having a ball.

6.5 Year old Dance Dance Revolution
And yet another kid that just amazes me. I have dance dance revolution and I am not as good as this little kid is. He gets almost all perfects on the game. Take it from me that is hard to do.

7. Kids do the Dumbest Things
A 2 minute video of kids being kids. They are all doing really funny and silly things. My favorite one is the kid in the jeep and he starts spinning it on the back two wheels. I’m surprised he kept it going for so long.

8. Kick the Monsters Butt
Kids are very funny. This little girl is talking about what she will do if a monster comes back. You can tell what word she hears a lot. You will be cracking up at the little serious girl.

9. Fat Kid on Roller Coaster
Something about kids on roller-coaster is funny all in itself. Add a fat kid to the mix and its downright Hilarius. This kid almost fell down the side which is not funny, but his face and expressions make it all better.

10. The Making of Sculpted Baby Cake
Even though this is not really a baby, I juts had to include this in my article. This lady has got some real talent. She uses so much detail in the cake. When she is done it looks like a real newborn child who has a blanket. I couldn’t believe the steps and detail.