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Cats: Top 10 Hilariously Funny YouTube Videos

Funny Cats, Funny News

Welcome to a countdown of my all-time favorite, hilariously funny cat videos from YouTube. If you want to split your sides laughing, you’ve come to the right place. Since this is a countdown, these get better and better as you progress toward #1. If you’re pressed for time, go right to #1, or if you have more time, watch the top 4 (you can’t miss #4’s Smash Mouth soundtrack). Plenty of time? Watch them all, starting with #10; altogether, these videos feature 15 minutes of the best in YouTube feline hilarity.

Funny YouTube Cat Video #10: Collection of Classical Cats
At about a minute and a half, this hilarious YouTube video packs a ton of feline mishaps into a short amount of time. A familiar classical soundtrack backs up the crazy antics, and the video is cleverly edited so that scenes go with the musical phrasing. This is especially effective at the end, when the music and clips speed up together, building to a climactic and hilarious ending. You barely notice it because it’s so seamless, but it adds to the reason this funny YouTube video is so successful. Tell your friends you noticed that bit about the music and see how impressed they are. Enjoy Funny YouTube Cat Video #10.

Funny YouTube Cat Video #9: Talking Cat
This awesome 45-second YouTube clip is from a news program on RealTV and features a cat that actually says, “Hello.” Not just once, but three times. You will not believe how much this feline’s meow sounds exactly like a person saying hello; I was blown away. This adorable black and white cat was filmed in the Animal Control Center in Midland, Texas. Make sure you watch the whole YouTube clip, because the cat says, “Hello” during the last 10 seconds. Enjoy Funny YouTube Cat Video #9.

Funny YouTube Cat Video #8: Cat and Dog – Get Out of My Bed
This hilarious 54-second YouTube video captures the competitive spirit that can come between cats and dogs sharing a home. Especially when the cat has stolen the doggie’s bed… Bad cat. Mad dog. This haughty cat lies defiantly in the dog’s bed while the dog grips the bed in its mouth, running around the room with it in circles. I won’t spoil it by letting you know who wins. Watch Funny YouTube Cat Video #8 to find out.

Funny YouTube Cat Video #7: A Cat or a Hamster?
I just love this one because it’s so uniquely funny. I won’t give away the surprise, but let’s just say this kitty has to work for his dinner. Make sure you pay close attention to the contraption in this 42-second YouTube video. About three-quarters of the way in, you’ll get a close-up view of the kibbles, although the picture is dark. You may need to watch this one a couple of times to understand the details, but it’s worth it. Enjoy Funny YouTube Cat Video #7.

Funny YouTube Cat Video #6: Hilarious Cat Sleeping With Tongue Out
This quick 24-second YouTube video features what must be the most relaxed sleeping cat on the planet. The orange tiger cat lies wedged in a small space between a cushion and someone’s leg, his tongue lolling out nearly an inch. When a person gently pulls the cat’s tongue out even further, the cat doesn’t move a muscle. I really laughed out loud at this funny clip, especially because I could never pull this trick on my feisty feline. I’d get a face full of claws and teeth faster than you could say, “Catnip.” Have a good time with Funny YouTube Cat Video #6.

Funny YouTube Cat Video #5: Gizmo Flushes
You know how little kids can do the same thing over and over again, and still find it amusing? Apparently Gizmo the cat is the same way. He’s learned a new trick, and he’s not getting bored with it anytime soon – at least not for the three minutes that this funny YouTube video lasts. Turn your volume all the way up and listen to the owner’s commentary, which is half the fun. And then pray your cat never learns Gizmo’s trick. Now sit back and enjoy Funny YouTube Cat Video #5.

Funny YouTube Cat Video #4: Dozens of Funny Cats
How can you beat dozens of funny cats doing dozens of hilarious things, one after another? Try setting it to Smash Mouth’s awesome hit, “All Star,” and this YouTube video rocks out. I was totally entertained for all four minutes. Some of my favorite bits from the video include the amazing cat who walks on water (it’s not just for Jesus anymore), the boxing cat, and the cat who puts on sunglasses by herself. Also look for the feline ping pong star and the litter of kittens climbing up a wall-hung oriental rug. And don’t miss the cat that loves to shower in the kitchen sink. Now party down to Funny YouTube Cat Video #4.

Funny YouTube Cat Video #3: Four Talking Cats & One With Subtitles
If you liked the “Talking Cat” video above, you’ll love this YouTube clip. At just over a minute, this video showcases four very amusing “talking” cats. You’ll hear cats say, “Hello” and meow, “Mama.” They’ll even answer the question, “Do you love me?” in a fascinating way. But the big laugh winner is the last cat, whose statements are also shown in subtitles, to make sure you really understand what he’s saying. If you’ve ever wondered, “What is my cat really thinking?” you’ll find out. Get ready to chuckle to Funny YouTube Cat Video #3.

Funny YouTube Cat Video #2: Zeke the Cat Toilet Training
First, a warning: if you are grossed out by the sight of cat poop, then do not watch this YouTube video. Otherwise, you may proceed. There are oodles of cat-pooping-on-the-toilet videos on YouTube, so I did the dirty work of wading through them and picking the funniest one for you. In this minute-long video, Zeke, already fully toilet trained, displays his skills. What makes this YouTube video so funny is the way it’s set to classical music, with the musical climaxes happening exactly as the poop drops majestically into the water. You have got to see – and hear – this one to appreciate it. Plug your nose and enjoy Funny YouTube Cat Video #2.

Funny YouTube Cat Video #1: Cats, Cats, and More Cats
This is my all-time favorite funny YouTube cat video. As of this writing, it’s been watched by nearly two million people, making it far more popular than the others I’ve mentioned. What makes it the best? At just over a minute, this video contains only those clips that are guaranteed to make you laugh out loud. That makes for one solid minute of laugh therapy. Plus, it has an awesome soundtrack. So sit back, relax, and let your belly roll as you watch Funny YouTube Cat Video #1.

Sherri S. Reese, “Most Expensive Cat Breed.” Most-Expensive. URL: (http://most-expensive.net/cat-breed)
“Bengal Cats – Bengal FAQ – Defiant Breeders.” Defiant Breeders. URL: (http://www.defiant.net/info1.html)