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Tom Hanks to Produce Mini-Series to Debunk JFK Conspiracies

The AFP is reporting that actor Tom Hanks will be producing a TV mini-series that’s goal will be to debunk the conspiracy theories that surround the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy. This mini-series will be based on a book that came out this year.

The special will be based off of the book, “Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy,” by Vincent Bugliosi. This series will have to take place over multiple nights since the book is 1630 pages long.

Bugliosi is known by most people as being the prosecuting attorney in the Charles Manson case. What most people don’t know is that he has been working on this book for over 20 years. The goal was to support the Warren Commission and show that Lee Harvey Oswald worked alone on the assassination of JFK.

His book looks into all of the different theories about the assassination, and all of the different motives. He claims that this book is solid evidence that JFK was not at the center of a grand conspiracy.

There are studies that have shown that around 75% of American people believe that there was some sort of conspiracy or cover-up involved with the Kennedy assassination. The May 17th release of this book came on the heals of a possible confession of one of the conspirators. You can read about that confession here: “JFK Assassination Solved?”

What is interesting is that in the book, Bugliosi states that very few people ever believe that the CIA or FBI had anything to do with an assassination attempt on JFK. This is one aspect that he has gone to the rollers for since most of the major conspiracies about the assassination of JFK involve at least one of these governmental bodies.

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It is interesting that Tom Hanks would connect himself with a project like this. Hanks has received a lot of heat over the last few years since he starred in The Da Vinci Code (2006). There are many former fans that state that they will never watch another one of his movies since he starred in what they considered to be an anti-Catholic and anti-Christian movie.

Currently, there are talks with HBO to carry this mini-series. It is proposed that the mini-series will take place over a 10-night span. If this is true, many viewers that do not have HBO will be furious that the series is not on regular Cable, or on Network TV.

There are many that have tried to diffuse the assassination theories in the past, but for the most part they have all failed. The major believers in the conspiracy theories that surround the assassination of JFK will never believe any attempt to sway them.



AFP, Tom Hanks TV series to debunk Kennedy conspiracy theories, http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20070607/ts_alt_afp/entertainmentfilm_070607205518;_ylt=Ak8.zUORINv10pjB3TXiBL3MWM0F


