Articles for tag: Government Conspiracy, Sesame, Sesame Seeds, Tutankhamen

Karla News

Where in the World Do Sesame Seeds Come From?

Have you ever thought about sesame seeds? I mean, have you really thought about them? They are everywhere! We eat them all the time, they are on pretty much every burger you have ever eaten, they go on our bagels and on our crackers. I mean, it has even been reported that the tomb of ...

Karla News

Chupacabra: The “Goat Sucker” of Urban Legends

The chupacrabra is the subject of many urban legends. Conspiracy theorists, many of whom also believe in UFOs complete visitors from other worlds believe this creature is part of a government conspiracy to help keep people from panicking. Exactly what it looks like depends on the region in which it is sighted and in many ...

Karla News

The Creepiest X-Files Episodes and How to Find Them

The X Files was so consistently good, that discussions concerning the ‘best’ episodes can end up being more like a complete episodic list itself. When going back to enjoy the best of the series, it may be wise to divide the best episodes into categories. There are the obvious engaging and popular so-called “mytharc” episodes-those ...

Karla News

A Review of NBC’s Ill-Fated Series “Surface”

NBC’s Surface was one of a few similarly themed sci-fi mystery series to air in the fall of 2005, in hopes of appealing to the same audience base of ABC’s hugely successful Lost. Despite a fairly large fan base, and numerous save-the-show online petitions, the series was cancelled after a mere 15 episodes. The series ...