Articles for tag: Buzz Aldrin, Conspiracy Theories

Karla News

Man Never Landed on the Moon

Believe it or not, a small percentage of the American public is certain mankind has never set foot on the moon. Several conspiracy theories have been circulating throughout American society nationwide since the early 1970s. There are several types of theories, each with its own, unique elements. Many Americans, much like one of my great ...

Ten Strange Conspiracy Theories

We all have unconventional beliefs, but some of them are more conventional than others. Most people would not fault you for admitting to a belief in a Kennedy assassination conspiracy, and many Americans believe that the US government has actively tried to prevent knowledge about UFOs and extra-terrestrials from reaching the public. There are some ...

Karla News

Top 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Books

If you Google Willie Nelson 9/11, you will get almost 600,000 results to sift through while trying to decide if Willie smoked too much weed before making some controversial 9/11 statements on the radio. In case you did not hear Willie Nelson’s comments, you can listen to the YouTube file of the KVUE 3 Austin ...

The 10 Craziest Conspiracy Theories of 2012

I am amused, and yes, a little alarmed by the crazy conspiracy theories that proliferate on the internet. I am a healthy skeptic. I like to fact check and keep informed, and I don’t take a politician’s statements at face value. This makes me wonder, what kind of person can possibly be so gullible? As ...

Karla News

Free Energy and Over Unity Devices

Surfing YouTube can create wasted time beyond the minutes you spend sitting in front of your computer screen. I was poking around on Engadget the other night. I found an article about a kook who proclaims he will unveil a free energy device in June that will put all the oil companies out of business. ...