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Tips for Coping With Bronchospasms

Albuterol, Nebulizer

This year will mark one of the nastiest flu seasons ever. And even if you don’t get the flu, odds are your respiratory system will be challenged. As I continue to battle a case of bronchitis, I find myself having coughing spells that last so long I cannot catch my breath. A simple cough you say? Nope. Two doctors have diagnosed me with something called bronchospasms.

What are bronchospasms?

Bronchospasms are pretty much the same thing as a cough. And to the average person, that’s what they sound like. But while a cough is your body’s attempt to clear the airway, a bronchospasm is a constriction of your airways causing those muscles to spasm. And unlike a cough, a bronchospasm will produce usually several coughs in rapid succession and cause chest tightness.

What causes a bronchospasm?

Asthma is a common cause of bronchospasms as is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD.) In the absence of these chronic conditions, you may be experiencing an allergic reaction to something in your environment (most likely my issue.) A lesser known cause of bronchospasms is acid reflux disease or GERD. Bronchospasms can also be exercise-induced.

Don’t diagnose yourself

Since a cough and a bronchospasm can sound the same and feel the same, see your primary care physician for a proper diagnosis. In addition to listening to your lungs, he may have you perform a lung function test and even give you a nebulizer treatment to see if your breathing improves. Bronchospasms are serious and can land you in the ER or, in extreme cases, cause death.

Take medications as directed

Prednisone is often prescribed to dilate your bronchi and ease constriction. Follow directions carefully since this drug is often tapered off rather than stopped abruptly.

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Invest in a nebulizer

I picked up nebulizer at Target pharmacy for only $25 and that was the price without insurance. Many pharmacies that offer $4 generic drugs include Albuterol nebulizer treatments in that list. From my personal and professional experience, I suggest you do these treatments laying down with 2-3 pillows under your head. When finished, sit for a few moments and relax since dizziness is a side effect of Albuterol.

Avoid dairy products

Dairy is notorious for causing mucous build up. And that will only make you want to cough more. So why aggravate your bronchospasms?


Too much activity and stress will tense your muscles, like the ones in your bronchi. Take a day or two off from work and chill out in bed. If you must do some physical activity, try yoga which will encourage deep, slow, controlled breathing. Just avoid the more strenuous poses.

Clear your sinuses

If it’s an allergen causing your bronchospasms, try using a nasal saline spray to remove the irritant. You can also use a neti pot to clean your sinuses as well.



Bloomberg.com, Flu Shock: Outbreak Already Ranks as One of the Worst In a Decade, January 14, 2013

Drugs.com, Albuterol Side Effects

Drugs.com, Predinsone

MedicineNet.com, Wheezing Symptoms

MedlinePlus.com, Pulmonary function tests, last update December 12, 2011

NetWellnesss.org, Exercise-Induced Bronchospasm, last reviewed June 22, 2010
