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Three Websites for Scenic Myspace Backgrounds and Layouts

Hi my name is Katy and I’m and addict. A MySpace addict that is. I am one of those people who is always logged in to MySpace, sometimes even when I am sleeping. I have been known to change my backgrounds as often as every day to a few times a week. I like being able to change the theme to fit a particular mood or season. I love the fact that there are so many themes and backgrounds available for people like me. It makes making changes to my profile and blog simple and headache free.

Do a search for MySpace backgrounds and themes and you will get pages on page of results. No one has time to sort through all those pages. Some of the background pages that I use frequently are:

I just found this site about two weeks ago and since then I have changed my background and layout at least a half dozen times. Simply go to www.coolchaser.com and select Create My Layout on the right side of the screen. You are taken to a new screen where you can customize your layout. Choose from a variety of themes for your contact boxes and interest boxes. From there move to the Select Background tab where you can search Google, Yahoo, and Flickr for any image you want to use as your background. If you want a particular celebrity or music artist type their name in the box and select from the images available. After selecting your background move on to the tweaks and options tab where you can determine how see-through your text boxes are and make color changes. You also get the opportunity to choose if you want to use the same picture for your blog page or just leave it as is. When you have your layout and background to your liking move on to tab 4 where Coolchaser will automatically post your layout in your MySpace profile. Also if you change your profile a lot like I do coolchaser will keep a record of all your pervious layouts so that you can go back to using one at any time. I love scenic backgrounds an www.coolchaser.com has plenty of images to keep me happy for years.

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Another great site for finding nearly every type of myspace layout or background is www.freecodesource.com. This site has something for every interest group. If you tend to go more toward scenic photography backgrounds and layouts than you will be very pleased by their selections. They currently have over 65 pages of scenic backgrounds. They have everything from beaches to sunsets to snow to gardens and trees. Freecodesource will also post your code directly to your site for you so there are no mistakes in copying the html coding.

Another great site for scenic MySpace Layouts and backgrounds is www.hotprofileplus.com. Their online catalog has more than thirty pages of backgrounds and layouts for those who love nature and photography. You can find underwater images of starfish, cloudy skies, and lightening strikes on this page.