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Three Online Swap Sites that Really Work

Online swapping, when it works, serves a really great purpose. Swap sites connect a user, who has something that they no longer want with people who have something they could use. Not only do the sites facilitate a swap, but they promote recycling.

Right, so we know there is plenty good that comes from swapping stuff that you no longer want, but the hard part is finding a swap that is legit and still running. There are three things to look for before registering with an online swap in order to determine if its level of success. First, read completely through the FAQs that should be available on the website. This information will let you know what type of activity is and is not allowed. Second, take a look at the items currently being listed, those listing them and the timespan between offers. Are there more requests for items than listings? Finally, take the time to figure out how the swapping system works, and what you can do I a swap goes wrong.

Here are three swap sites that do work:

Makeup Alley

Makeup Alley is the most established online swap sites that I have found. For eight years consumers have been swapping beauty products, information and advice on the popular website. While the majority of the users are female and swap female products there are some men and male products on the site as well.

How It Works:
Christmas time rolls around and you find yourself stuck with a bunch of makeup in the wrong shade, some perfume grams thought you would like, and a few candles that it turns out you are allergic too. Instead of tossing it or stashing it in the corner till someone else disposes of it, register for an account on Makeup Alley. You are now able to list your unwanted beauty items and create a beauty wish list. Swaps take place between members and your reputation grows when you are awarded tokens for successful swaps.

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Title Trader is an online swap for published media, and is now one of the biggest and most successful sites available. While most of the activity takes place through swapping there is the option to purchase points which can then be used to acquire items up for swap.

How It Works:
Register for an account and begin listing your used books, magazines, Cds, DVDs and any other published materials to your account. Swapping takes place site wide, not from member to member, so your chance of finding a swap for exactly what you want is greater. When another member sees an item on your list that they would like they make a request to you, requests can only be made when you have accumulated at least one point. Once you have sent one swap you can then request an item from any other swapper on the site that has an item you want.

chanceXchange is a new swap site, started in early 2007, but shows lots of promise. There are no limits as to what can be listed for a swap, just limits on locale- no international swapping. Everything from books to jewelry to coupons can be found among the offers. The only thing to consider when swapping is how much shipping will cost you, since you cover the price of your own swaps.

How It Works:
This site is very similar to Title Trader in the way swaps work. You list any of the items that you no longer want and create a wish list of things you need. As a new member you need to accumulate points before you can make any requests of your own, one point per swap. As soon as another member requests one of your items and the swap is complete you are awarded a point and can begin searching for items to request.

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