Articles for tag: Dog Dental Care, Natural Dog Treats, Natural Pet Food, Rawhide

Karla News

Made in the USA for Dogs: Chews, Treats and Food

I, like many other pet owners will not give my dogs any treats, chews or food that is not made in America, and that is not from a reputable company. Especially with the recent issues with tainted dog food from companies that use products from foreign countries, and our increasing knowledge about the need for ...

Karla News

5 Healthy Snacks for Your Dog

Remember when vets warned against feeding “people food” to our pets? After many scares of dog food contamination and gluten deaths, dog owners scrambled to feed their dogs much safer and healthier foods. A lot of dog owners, including myself, have turned to a more natural way of feeding their dogs. Before feeding your dog ...

Karla News

The Top Pet Shops in Charlotte, NC

If you are a pet owner than you would probably want to know there the best pet shops are located in the area. First it is important to understand what to look for in a good pet shop. You want a location that fills all of your pet needs for food to customer service. You ...

Karla News

Toxic Dog Treats: What Not to Feed Your Dog

Dogs love getting special treats from their owners. Pet owners spend money on dog treats to give their beloved pets something that seems like it’s a good thing. Unfortunately, pet owners may be giving their dog pet treats that are toxic to them. There are a lot of different varieties of dog treats on the ...