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The Top 3 Headache Clinics in the U.S

Ann Arbor Michigan, Chronic Headaches

Just about everyone suffers from headaches from time to time, with women suffering more frequently than men. According to a Mayo Clinic study it is estimated that 3-5% of the population suffers from daily headaches. Sometimes a simple Tylenol or Aleve isn’t enough to get rid of headaches and something stronger, such as a prescription pain pill, must be taken. Some headaches often don’t respond to treatment, especially migraines. If you suffer from difficult-to-treat headaches and have been to numerous doctors yet still have no relief, you may want to consider going to a headache clinic. There are many headache clinics available, but only a few that are renowned.

Diamond Headache Clinic

Located in Chicago, Illinois, this popular headache clinic that specializes in personalized treatment of headaches and migraines, was founded in 1972 by Dr. Seymour Diamond. This clinic offers both inpatient and outpatient treatment and has a high success rate of providing relief to those with treatment-resistant headaches. Many headaches can be treated on an outpatient basis, but those with difficult cases are hospitalized at St. Joseph Hospital, on a special unit where they can receive intensive 24-hour care and treatment. If you would like to be evaluated at this headache clinic, all you have to do is ask your primary care physician to refer you or you can visit their website and request an appointment yourself. Check them out at: diamondheadache.com.


MHNI, Michigan Headache & Neurological Institute, is located in Ann Arbor, Michigan and has been treating those with persistent head and neck pain since 1978. Founded by Dr. Joel Saper, this institute was the first in the nation to provide comprehensive research & treatment to those suffering from a variety of complex conditions that cause head and neck pain. Offering both inpatient and outpatient treatment, MHNI receives patients from all over the world who are searching for relief. After an initial telephone evaluation and history which is performed by a nurse, it is decided if your condition requires more extensive treatment, and if so, it will be recommended that you are admitted into their inpatient treatment program at Chelsea Community Hospital. The inpatient program is a two-week program, sometimes longer, and doctors work aggressively to quickly get your headaches under control. You may read more information about MHNI @ mhni.com.

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Houston Headache Clinic

Founded in 1976, this headache clinic was created in order to properly diagnose and treat chronic headache diseases. Like the other two clinics, Houston Headache Clinic offers inpatient and outpatient programs to treat suffering from chronic headaches. Some of the forms of treatment that the clinic uses are chemo denervation, physical medicine, biofeedback, as well as psychological and behavioral therapy. Whenever doctors decide that hospitalization is necessary, it’s usually because of the need to detoxify a patient from pain medication, which can cause rebound headaches, or in order to more quickly get headaches that may be negatively impacting someone’s life under control. Hospitalized patients are admitted to Park Plaza Hospital for approximately 5-7 days, but it may be longer for more difficult cases. You may find out more information about the Houston Headache Clinic by going to: houstonheadacheclinic.com.
