Articles for tag: Headache Relief, Headache Remedy, Migraine Relief, Sinus Headaches

Sinus Buster Headache Remedy: A Review

Migraine sufferers know that it can be very difficult to find medication that truly works on a migraine. If something helps with the pain, it may still leave the unpleasant nausea, dizziness, and sensitivity to light and sound. I have been searching for a good migraine relief system for a decade. Prescription migraine relievers have ...

Karla News

How to Relieve a Headache

I often get sinus headaches. I have found that many times these sinus headaches are brought on when I eat milk and/or cheese. I get both sinus headaches and cluster headaches (cluster headaches form under one eye). Because I often struggle with sinus congestion, headaches and cluster headaches, I have found some tips to relieving ...

Headache Relief for Pregnant Women

Headaches often us leaving us feeling stressed and feeling underneath the weather. The pounding of the headache can be disturbing to our lifestyles. As a pregnant woman myself it can be tough not to risk taking asprin when a headache comes about. For pregnant women in order to take any type of medication we need ...

Karla News

Home Remedies for Menstrual Migraines

Menstrual cycles are the curse of women. These monthly cycles can be pain-free for some lucky women. Unfortunately, according to WebMD, more than 60 to 70% of women report that their migraines are related to their menstrual cycle. A common topic of conversation isn’t usually how much pain you suffer during your menstrual cycle. Who ...

Ambien Side Effects: My Experience with the Sleep Aid

Ambien is a common sleep aid prescribed to individuals who either have difficulty falling asleep at night, wake up many times during the night, or wake up extremely early in the morning and cannot get back to sleep. Ambien is among a class of medications known as hypnotics or sedatives, which comprises most of the ...

Karla News

Why Eating Can Be a Pain: Foods that Cause Headaches

If you’ve been having frequent headaches or migraines lately, it may be due to more than stress or lack of sleep. The foods you’re eating could have an effect on the amount of headaches you’ve been having, as well as how long your discomfort lasts. Some of these foods are actually healthy for you, but ...

Tension Headache Relief While Pregnant

It can be the best time of your life; it can be the worst time of your life. Pregnancy, that is. For many women, pregnancy leaves us with a heavenly glow, thick lustrous hair, a bounce in our step. Unfortunately, it can also leave us with aches and pains and few options to relieve the ...

Karla News

Review: Walgreen’s Migraine Relief Medicine

A few days ago, my wife was complaining of a headache (I’m guessing it was caused by the dry air in the house from the furnace running) and, of course, we didn’t have anything for her to take. Because of this, I ended up running up the street to Walgreen’s to buy something. When it ...