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The Story Behind the Illuminati: Do They Really Exist?

Illuminati, Skull and Bones, Upper Class

Recently, I have noticed that prices continue to escalate in all areas for the consumer except with that in the area of property/real estate. I keep asking myself, why do prices continue to rise when the consumer is over burdened with expenses? The actual use of gasoline has went down. However, the cost of a barrel of oil goes up daily. The reason for this is that oil has become a futures commodity that is trading well on the open market. In short terms, the rich are getting richer. Whether is is by design or as a matter of recent events in the economy, I truly don’t know. I do know this. It is having a major impact on lower and middle class Americans.

What and who is the Illuminati? They are a group of family bloodlines that have been in existence for a very long time. Family names like Astor, Dupont, Rockefeller, Kennedy, Russel, Onassis, Krupp, Rothschild, and Van Duyn, have been mentioned as members of this bloodline. Even the Chinese Li family that operates around the world with impunity has been mentioned. Many conspiracy enthusiasts believe that these families are behind many events that are presently controlling our governments as well as our economy.

Historically the Illuminati got their start as a secret society in the 18th century in Bavaria. The beginning movement was set up to establish free thinkers or people of enlightenment. At the time, many individuals thought that the Illuminati was set up to over throw certain European governments. After ten years of existence, it was overthrown.

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Conspiracy theorists believe that the group survived and migrated into the US as well. Some believe that they infiltrated into groups like the Freemasons, the skull and bones secret society, and other groups that have an effect on the US like the Vatican. If this is true, then there are more famous names than those listed above. Two members of the Bush family belonged to the skull and bones. Signing members of the Constitution belonged to the Freemasons. They had names like Franklin, Washington, and Adams, just to mention a few.

The Illuminati have also been mention in fiction and comic books. This makes one wonder if the conspiracy theorists have it all wrong. They are mentioned by so many different conspiracy theorists that one has to wonder how legitimate they are.

Illuminati has often been associated with the “Over class/Upper Class.” The ones that have and control the money are the ones in charge. The website Conspiracy Archive provides many interesting points when it comes to this type of conjecture. One of the points that they make, that I thought was interesting was that of war. Conspiracy theorists believe wars are started to make money for the over-class/upper-class. They especially cite the Vietnam War and the past two wars with Iraq. A special emphasis is made in regards to the battle for oil and business ventures. One such business being that of Halliburton. Halliburton is mentioned because of it’s past relationship with Vice President Dick Cheney.

Nobody can prove that the over-class/upper-class controls everything. It is just that the conspiracy theorists make a strong case for their beliefs. It is a fact that the French Revolution was a war between the low and upper class. The lower class had just been pushed too far. They retaliated in a major way.

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Some individuals feel that the time was right during the “Great Depression” for the same thing to happen in America. However, we ended up going to war and eventually the economy was slowly restored to a form of normalcy.

With the way the economy is presently, conspiracy theorists may have a field day with this concept at the present time. That the Illuminati are once again controlling our destiny. Do the Illuminati really exist? I can’t say for sure. However, there are some that believe so.

sources; skeptic.com