Articles for tag: Power and Control, , , Upper Class

Social Stratification for the Future

Stratification systems are and have been found in every society. A social stratification system is a hierarchical ordering of people in society differentiated according to their power, privilege, or status. Stratification systems are in a constant state of change. Events taking place in society have the power to change the social systems. In the United ...

Karla News

Theories of Crime

Professional criminologists usually base their thoughts and perspectives on one of several theories that describe, in their own way, what exactly constitute and contribute to criminal behavior. Each theory has their own view as to what causes people within society to engage in criminal activities. A criminologist’s choice regarding their theory preference ultimately depends upon ...

Karla News

The Story Behind the Illuminati: Do They Really Exist?

Recently, I have noticed that prices continue to escalate in all areas for the consumer except with that in the area of property/real estate. I keep asking myself, why do prices continue to rise when the consumer is over burdened with expenses? The actual use of gasoline has went down. However, the cost of a ...

Karla News

Marx’s Theories on Social Class Applied to Modern-Day Brooklyn

The dust covered books, mostly by Marx, that where on the shelves is what my first encounter was in researching the concept of class. Social Class, being a taboo subject in American society, offers little account of how involved the separation and struggle is between classes. It affects our everyday lives, our past and our ...