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The Burning Facts on Acid Reflux

Stomach Acid, Symptoms of Acid Reflux

If you experience acid reflux you definitely are not alone. Approximately fifteen million Americans deal with acid reflux on a daily basis. Acid reflux is also known as heartburn. An addition forty five million people have heartburn at least once a month. Mathematically, that’s about ten percent of the American population living with some level of acid reflux disease. It is known now that about seven percent of the people worldwide suffer with heartburn.When you experience heartburn, also referred to as acid reflux, contents from the stomach backs up into the esophagus. The term, acid reflux originates from the fact that the acid is produced in the stomach and the word reflux comes from the fact that there is a backward flow, reflux, of this stomach acid to the lower esophagus. This stomach acid is the damaging product to the lining of the esophagus and quite disruptive in the daily activity of personal lives. Heartburn interrupts sleep routines, causes uncomfortable sensations after meals, develops pain, and can lead to additional health problems if left untreated.

When the body works correctly, the accumulation of stomach acid never has the ability to reach the esophagus. The body has a muscular valve known as the lower esophageal sphincter which connects the lower end of the esophagus to the upper end of the stomach. Ideally, food is to flow downward from the esophagus into the stomach where the digestion system is supposed to further break it down. With acid reflux, this valve relaxes far too much and allows extra stomach acid to flow backward up into the esophagus creating the sensationheartburn.

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Acid reflux is a chronic, recurrent disease that does not simply go away. Technically, there really is no cure for acid reflux. Life style changes and medications are methods used for relief of the heartburn symptoms. A few of these treatments are diet modifications, surgery, medications, or a combination of any of the suggestions jmentioned.

Sometimes foods high in fat, over indulging in alcohol, citrus juices, spicy foods, tomato products, or chocolate can cause heartburn in people. If you experience heartburn on a consistent basis, there is more a likelihood of a physical cause and consultation with a doctor is highly recommended. If the physical cause of many of the common symptoms of acid reflux is because of the stomach acid backing into the esophagus from the stomach, the key is to suppress that acid. You definitely need to keep it from irritating the esophagus and causing permanent damage. Once the damage occurs, repairing is far mcomplicated.

For many, heartburn tends to show up at bedtime. When you lie down, you shift the stomach from an up and down position to a sideways position. The opening of the esophagus is then level with the rest of the stomach including the contents. This position can be problematic. For relief from the occasional heartburn, many have discovered positive results from using over the counter medicines and or life style modifications. Changes in food habits and life style are usually suggested. Some may include avoiding certain foods and drinks, avoiding smoking, and losing weight if over weight. Eating the last meal of the day at least three hours before going to sleep will be helpful. Going to bed on an empty stomach very simply eliminates the possibility of any of the stomach contents backing up into the esophagus when horizontal.

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