Articles for tag: Fat Free Foods, Ph Levels

Karla News

5 Great Science Fair Project Ideas

A science fair is something that every child gets the opportunity to participate in at least once in their lives. For those of us who have our eyes on one of those luxurious ribbons, a science fair is a big deal too. The toughest part about making an amazing project is thinking of a good ...

Low-Sodium Fat-Free Ocean Spray Cran-Fruit Review

Ocean Spray Cran-Fruit can be used as a a low-sodium and fat-free dip for appetizers, or as a healthy alternative to fat-laden marinades for chicken or pork. This inexpensive product also makes a great last-minute side dish or garnish for holiday meals when you don’t have time to make your own cranberry relish or garnish ...

Overview of the Best Online Diet Plans

In a society where obesity abounds, there is also a sea of diet plans. Which ones are the best? Which ones really work? How do I sift through all the rhetoric to find which diet is right for me? I will be exploring three of the top diet plans available on the internet-Weight Watchers, eDiets, ...

Calorie Free, Trans Fat Free: What Do These Really Mean?

Consumers have been told that excess sugar, carbs, trans fats and other ingredients in foods are bad for us. Food companies have responded by advertising their foods as “Free.” But are they, really? In this article I will discuss these and other common labels and describe what exactly they mean. Never be fooled by clever ...

Karla News

Healthy Weight Loss for Teenagers

Are you a teenager interested in losing weight because you feel you are too fat? Many teens just like you are trying to lose weight in this modern age of glitzy, skinny celebrities and gorgeous, sexy models. Because of this, anorexia and eating disorders among teenagers is on the rise. According to the South Carolina ...

10 Foods to Avoid

If you’re like me, then chances are you usually try to make the right decisions when it comes to nutrition, but there are some things that you may be eating that are holding you back from shedding those extra pounds. I will show you what I believe are the top ten most unhealthy foods to ...