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Ten Ways to Avoid Arthritis

Arthritis is one of the top causes of work disability among 1 in 5 adults. The risk of acquiring this debilitating condition increases as we age. But just by practicing certain healthy habits, this disease can be prevented. Here are some helpful tips.

1.)Protect your joints from stress

Try to look for ways to lessen lifting and carrying activities at work or around the house. As much as possible, avoid tasks that can put excess stress on your hips and knees. Take extra care when joining sports activities that might put you at risk for injuries.

2.) Watch that weight

Body fat can add unnecessary pressure on your joints. Try to keep yourself fit and maintain an active lifestyle. Your exercise regimen could be something as simple as taking early morning brisk walks or something more intensive such as strength – training or yoga. Stretching exercises and swimming are some of the best ways to keep your joints and muscles in top condition.

3.) Go orange

Significant studies have shown that Vitamin C and other antioxidants found in orange and other citrus fruits can greatly reduce the risk of arthritis.

4.) Increase your knowledge

It wouldn’t hurt to do a little reading of your own about arthritis. Being informed is always an advantage. Perhaps arthritis may not be one of your biggest concerns right now. But you don’t have to wait for it to strike you or a loved one before doing something.

5.) Think positively

The mind is a powerful thing. Time and time again, it has been proven that people who are more optimistic tend to live healthier, happier lives. So don’t take things too seriously. Share a good laugh with a friend, or recall a funny memory with a loved one. Laugh a lot, even when you’re not having the best day. Looking on the brighter side of things and keeping a positive frame of mind can do wonders for your immune system.

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6.) Be good to your bones

Calcium should be a very important part of your daily diet. Drink milk. Lots of it. But if milk doesn’t exactly appeal to your taste buds, try other milk products such as yogurt and cheese. If you are lactose – intolerant, other good sources of calcium are salmon and broccoli.

7.) Choose Your Shoes

Our feet are easily one of our most neglected body parts. We unknowingly abuse it by buying shoes that hurt. When picking out footwear, always place comfort on top of your list. Choose shoes that are well – padded and have space that your toes can still wriggle in.

8.) Pamper yourself

Make time every once in a while to indulge yourself with the most relaxing treats. Even a nice, warm soak in the tub at the end of the day can help de – stress your muscles and joints. Regular visits to a certified massage therapist can do much to improve your body’s energy and flexibility.

9.) Quit Smoking

Cigarette – smoking is a habit you should kick for several obvious reasons. It weakens your immune system and your overall health. People who smoke also age faster compared with those who are not addicted to nicotine.

10.) Get Spiritual

Prayer and an unwavering faith to an all – powerful being can help you maintain your health, emotionally and physically. Studies have shown that people who go to church often or those who claim to have a close relationship with a higher power are significantly healthier and happier.

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Clean living and a healthy lifestyle, as well as emotional and spiritual well – being, are the key ingredients to good health. It’s never too late to start changing your habits for the better. Strive to improve your over – all health and fitness as early as now if you want to be able to age gracefully and arthritis – free.