Articles for tag: Fibroids, Pain During Sex, Uterus

Could You Have Fibroids? Are They Dangerous?

Throughout a large part of my career I was a medical underwriter at various levels in the life and health insurance industry. My job was to assess the future risk peoples’ medical condition presented to the company. When the applicant was a woman, you could often count on the fact that there would be “fibroids” ...

Karla News

Does a Tipped Uterus Cause Infertility?

According to the American Pregnancy Association, one of the symptoms of a tipped (or tilted) uterus is fertility problems. What many may not realize is that a tipped uterus itself is no longer believed to be a direct cause of infertility. Here are some of the things that women should know about the link between ...

Living with Half a Uterus

Finding out you only have half a uterus can be a shocking and rather traumatic experience. I still remember the day I was diagnosed with what doctors term Unicornuate uterus. I had gone to a fertility specialist with the hope of conceiving our first child, and when the resident did a routine ultrasound of my ...

My HSG Experience: An X-Ray Test Used to Diagnose Fertility Issues

A Hysterosalpingogram (HSG for short) is an x-ray test used to diagnose fertility issues due to, among many other things, malformations of the uterus, blocked tubes, endometriosis, etc. It is performed in an x-ray facility by an obstetrician, gynecologist, or reproductive endocrinologist and involves catheterizing the uterus and pushing dye into the cavity through the ...

What Causes Uterine Prolapse?

Uterine Prolapse If you have a prolapsed uterus, you are probably now a postmenopausal woman who has delivered at least one child vaginally. During pregnancy and childbirth, damage to the supportive muscles and ligaments is caused by repeated strain over the years. As a result the pelvic floor weakens and causes the uterus to prolapse ...