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Does a Tipped Uterus Cause Infertility?

Inflammatory Disease, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Uterus

According to the American Pregnancy Association, one of the symptoms of a tipped (or tilted) uterus is fertility problems. What many may not realize is that a tipped uterus itself is no longer believed to be a direct cause of infertility. Here are some of the things that women should know about the link between a tipped uterus and fertility problems.

Why a Tipped Uterus is not a Direct Cause of Infertility

It was previously thought that a tipped uterus impacted fertility because it prevented the sperm from being able to reach the egg. According to Sandhya Prhuti, M.D. in her answer on Mayo Clinic, the position of the uterus does not affect the sperm’s ability of traveling to the egg.

When a Tipped Uterus is Linked to Fertility Problems

Pelvic adhesions, which are formed by scar tissue, can cause a tilted uterus. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, scarring may be caused by endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). The American Pregnancy Association lists uterine fibroids as another cause of scar tissue.

Pelvic scar tissue is known to cause fertility problems. What this means is that a tipped uterus may indicate that a woman has endometriosis, PID or uterine fibroids. These gynecological problems or conditions are likely the cause of infertility, but the tipped uterus may be the only sign which has already been diagnosed.

How to Recognize Conditions Which Cause a Tipped Uterus

Recognizing endometriosis, uterine fibroids or PID can be somewhat challenging. The earlier the condition is diagnosed and treated, the less likely it is to lead to pelvic scar tissue. While some women experience may severe symptoms, some do not have any or they may relate them to symptoms of another health problem. Here are some things to take into consideration.

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The symptoms of endometriosis and uterine fibroids are very similar. Heavy or painful menstrual periods, painful sexual intercourse, pain during urination, lower back pain and abdominal pain are all common symptoms. Women with endometriosis are also likely to experience gastrointestinal problems, such as diarrhea, constipation, bloating and nausea around the time of menstruation.

Foul-smelling vaginal discharge and a fever are common symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease. Women who have previously had a sexually transmitted infection, such as Chlamydia or gonorrhea, are at an increased risk of PID. Pelvic inflammatory disease also causes painful sex and urination and abdominal pain.

Any woman who is unable to get pregnant after one year should be sure to talk to her gynecologist. Whether the cause of infertility is one of the gynecological problems or conditions that can lead to a tipped uterus or something else, a doctor will be able to provide a proper diagnosis.


American Pregnancy Association, “Tipped Uterus: Tilted Uterus.”

Mayo Clinic, “Infertility Causes.

Mayo Clinic, “Tilted Uterus: Can it lead to infertility?”

University of Maryland Medical Center, “Retroversion of the Uterus.”