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How to Avoid Insomnia Without Medication

Back to Sleep, Getting Sleep

Lying in the bed at 3 o clock in the morning listening to the quietest sounds while trying to figure out a way to go back to sleep. It can be challenging to fall asleep when your mind wonders about endless things in the middle of the night. Sleep is important so your body can stay healthy. There are some ways to avoid insomnia and get the rest you need.

Here are several different ways to avoid insomnia listed below:

Find a way to get more comfortable -Sleeping on a hard mattress may help your back, but if you’re having trouble adjusting to a hard bed, it could be the reason you may be getting less sleep. There are pillow tops available to put on your mattress to make it more comfortable. It could even be the pillow you’re sleeping on or the temperature could be adjusted. Make sure you’re comfortable where you’re sleeping so you can enjoy a good night sleep. Think of it as an investment in yourself.

Grab a midnight snack- If you wake up on an empty stomach, a small snack will help you go back to sleep. Healthy snacks like Kellogg’s fruit crisps or another dry snack and some juice.

Use the bathroom- Even if you really don’t have to go, try going to the bathroom to get rid of any uneasiness in your stomach that may be stopping you from getting sleep.

Write – Sometimes we wake up in the middle of the night because we needed more time during the day to get things done. By keeping a small notebook near your bed and writing down things you need to get done the next day so it can be fresh on your mind.

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Watch YouTube Videos- Dealing with insomnia is hard enough, but watching YouTube videos can make any worries go away for the moment so you can get some sleep. Since YouTube can get addicting, setting time limits is a good thing to do because the idea is to go back to sleep. Sometimes starring at the computer screen can help you go back to sleep.

Buy a self help CD- Any CD that deals with someone talking in it, will work wonders for insomnia. Try listening to the CD all the way through during the middle of the night, that’s a super challenge.

Close Your Eyes – Insomnia is often caused from having pain or worrying. If you have a lot of financial problems or pain it could be that you’re stressing your mind out from thinking real hard about something. If you are up tossing and turning, looking at the walls, it’s not going to help you go back to sleep. By closing your eyes and trying to imagine good things, you will find yourself back in your comfort zone. If you still can’t go to sleep after that, I would suggest reading a book and after every chapter try going back to sleep.