Articles for tag: Truck Drivers, United States Postal Service

U.S. Postal Trucking Careers

Some truck drivers work for postal companies. Their job is to deliver heavy freight throughout the United States. Some of this freight may include furniture and lumber. Truck drivers need to be on the road for a long period of time. They travel frequently during the night, the holidays and during the weekends to avoid ...

Guide to a Career as a Truck Driver

Do you love to travel? Do road trips get your juices going? Have you always wanted to see the country? If so, then you might enjoy a career as a truck driver. Although it might not sound very glamorous, truck drivers make more than a decent living and tend to enjoy their jobs. Truck drivers ...

Karla News

CB Lingo: The Truck Driver’s Slang

Ever listen to truck drivers talk on while playing with a Two-way radio like a walkie talkie or a CB? Truck drivers have a language of their own and it can sound confusing if you do not know what they are saying. I want to give you a brief introduction on the language that truck ...

Off Road Trucking: Texas

Welcome to Texas, the 2nd largest state in the Union. Driving across the state, you will find yourself moving from lush wooded, grassy areas to barren deserts and everything in between. One thing that remains common, however, is oil. From West Texas to East Texas, you will see oil field after oil field. Sometimes, it ...

Truck Driving Companies

There are trucking companies that have a constant turnaround of drivers, and these trucking companies should be avoided at all cost. Truckers are leaving these companies for a reason. So, how does a truck driver know which trucking companies are good companies to work for and which trucking companies are bad? The following information will ...

Long Haul Truck Driving: Living or Existing?

Learning to drive a truck is the easy part, learning to exist in a truck and living over the road, is a whole different story. Truck driving life, to some drivers, is the basic form of existing. Existing, as defined in Webster, is “to have being in a specified place or with respect to understood ...

Karla News

Top 10 Most Dangerous Jobs in the World

Dangerous jobs refer to jobs that cause the most injury or deaths. I am very proud of the men and women who work these jobs and put their life at risk for our country. The top ten most dangerous jobs are Fisherman, Loggers, Pilots and Flight Engineers, Iron and Steel Welders, Refuse and Recyclable Material ...

Karla News

Prepaid Legal for Truck Drivers from TVC Pro-Driver

Commercial truck drivers are in a different class than ordinary drivers on the road, and they aren’t given the second chances other drivers are given under the laws. This is why truck drivers need prepaid legal help from companies such as TVC Pro-Driver. Can you afford a ticket on your driving record? When your job ...

A Trucker’s Life: Dangers of Over-the-Road Driving

Few truckers dreamed of an over-the-road driving job. Most current truck drivers find themselves behind the wheel because it’s all they know. Unable to attend college or find other jobs that pay enough to support their families, many men and women turn to trucking out of desperation. Driving for the right company pays well, but ...