Articles for tag: Brine Shrimp, Freshwater Tropical Fish, Tetra, Tropical Fish

Karla News

The Neon Tetra: Great Introductory Freshwater Tropical Fish

Tetras run the gamut in terms of size, color, temperament and popularity. For the vast majority, these freshwater tropical fish are ideal candidates for a community aquarium set-up. One of the most famous of the tropical fish species and popular still, is the Neon Tetra(paracheirodon innesi). The Neon Tetra hails from the northern part of ...

Karla News

Community Fish Are a Great Addition to Your Tropical Aquarium

As mentioned in pervious articles, it is important to choose the right fish for you tropical aquarium. If you put a very aggressive fish in with a peace loving fish, I think we know who will wind up being dinner. Since you probably don’t want that to happen, make sure that you choose fish of ...

Karla News

Overview of Tetra Species of Tropical Fish

Some of the more popular tropical fish for the home aquarium are the tetra species. In general, these fish originate in the warm waters of South America and Africa. All of the species are warm tropical fish that require a heater in the fish tank. Most are quite hardy and take a variety of pH ...

Karla News

Tips on Caring for Tropical Fish for Beginners: Choosing Your Fish

So now that you have your tank set up (if you haven’t gotten that far, please read my article on Tips for Starting Your Own Aquarium), and it has cycled through, it is time to start adding some fish. Before you go shopping, however, make sure that the tank has cycled through the Nitrogen Cycle ...

Karla News

“Finding Nemo” Themed Party Favors for Kids

With “Finding Nemo 3D” due to be released in the theaters in September 2012, there is a good chance that your preschool child might end up wanting a “Finding Nemo 3D” birthday party in the near future. With that said, I thought that I would share a few of my “Finding Nemo 3D” party favor ...

Karla News

Choosing Fish for Your Tropical Aquarium

So you have set up your new tropical aquarium. That’s great! You have taken the first step to enjoying a fun new hobby. If you are a beginner, you might want to check out Tips for Starting Your Own Tropical Aquarium. You must understand the nitrogen cycle and why it is important not to overload ...

Karla News

How to Choose Fish for a Freshwater Tropical Fishtank

Freshwater tropical fish are among the most beautiful pets you can own without requiring much daily attention and responsibility. Even so, setting up your new tropical fish tank deserves some research and care to ensure that your tank will become a stable community both you and your fish will enjoy. Here are some easy tips ...

Karla News

The Emperor Tetra: King of Tropical Fish!

The Emperor tetra is another beautiful species that is associated with the tropical aquarium hobby. This tetra known as nematobrycon palmeri, is a fairly common fish that may require some devotion looking for it as its popularity has escalated through the years due to its coloration, hardiness and compatibility with other fish species in a ...

Karla News

Tips for Starting Your Own Tropical Aquarium

A tropical aquarium can be the source of beauty and fun for almost any household. You will need about an hour every two weeks for cleaning and maintenance, and just a few seconds twice a day to feed your fish. Tank Size for Beginners If you have been doing some reading about getting started with ...