Articles for tag: Aspergillosis, Aspergillus, Histoplasmosis, Sick Building Syndrome, Toxic Mold

Little Known Dangers of Toxic Mold Exposure

The medical community is by and large ignorant to the dangers and illnesses of toxic mold exposure. There are a few doctors who have discovered and repeatedly watched people suffering from Sick Building Syndrome who have made some pretty solid evidential ties between mold exposure and severe illness even potential death. While the CDC and ...

Karla News

Can You File a Lawsuit for Toxic Mold?

Have you discovered toxic mold in your house or place of work? Has it caused you health problems? Although toxic mold isn’t as big of an issue as it once was because we are more aware of the danger, there are still thousands of cases every year where homeowners and employers discover the spores in ...

Karla News

Technology May Replace Mold Remediation

Mold is rapidly becoming a big headline and seems to affect more of the general population than did Asbestos. The problem is construction materials that became common in the 1970’s and our almost air tight houses. For those who have been affected by mold in their home, the financial burden can be devastating, mold remediation ...

Karla News

Why Do People Live in RV’s Full Time?

Up until last month I thought people lived in RV’s in RV parks because they enjoyed a simpler life that consisted of traveling the country and seeing God’s beautiful land. I am discovering that I am quite wrong about that. Some people live in RV’s in RV parks because it is all they can afford. ...

Karla News

Finding Mold Allergy Relief – What You Need to Know

It can be a complicated process to find mold allergy relief. The stuff seems to be hiding in lots of little places you can’t reach, or even see! Mold spores when inhaled by people, can lead to mold allergy. Molds feed off rotting plants and animals. Some molds are very dangerous and can cause allergies ...

Recognizing the Signs of Mold Allergies

Mold is a common occurance. It grows in all of the obvious places such as those with a water source but it can also grow in places that people don’t realize it can grow. These are places such as closets, foam pillows and even your garbage can. A few dozen types of molds cause allergic ...

Karla News

Mold in Your Home: It Can Still Be Dangerous

Mold hasn’t been in the headlines like it used to. Several years ago, it was the “hot” story of the moment, and everyone was talking about how to rid your house of mold and keep it from returning. Today, a lot of the furor over mold cleanup has died down, but it remains a serious ...

Symptoms of Mold Poisoning

Since a double diagnosis of mycotoxicosis, people often question why we have different symptoms. Symptoms vary from person to person because we’re all unique individuals. No two people have the same genetic make-up or immune system. The type of exposures and time exposed have to be taken into account. But if you are suffering from ...