Articles for tag: Febreze, Febreze Air Effects, Tide Laundry Detergent

Karla News

Product Review: Tide with Febreze Freshness

I usually don’t stick with one particular laundry detergent for too long, because I enjoying trying different detergent and experiment with different scents and stain power. Since I was low on my laundry detergent du jour, I decided to try something new. Luckily for me my grocery store did not have the laundry detergent that ...

Tide Laundry Detergent Versus Gain Laundry Detergent

I’ll admit it; I’m one of those people that smell their clothes after they come out of the dryer. If you use a cheap laundry detergent you’ll usually smell nothing when you stick your nose down into the folds of your clothes. Even if you use fabric softener, the damage is already done by using ...

Karla News

The Persuaders: A Review of the PBS Film

The Persuaders, which is directed by Douglass Rushcoff, is a documentary on the multi-billion dollar advertising and marketing industry. The films main idea covers how marketers have found new ways and are continually searching for other ways to weave their message into our everyday lives. The Persuaders covers their market research methods that helps them ...

Karla News

Product Comparison: Purex Vs Tide Laundry Detergents

When you have a big family, that washing machine seems to be running day and night. Between the warm water, the laundry soap, and all the special stain removing additives, keeping a family in clean clothes can get pretty expensive. My Mother was a Tide fan from way back. We lived on a farm and ...

Karla News

A Sassy and Unique Bridal Shower Gift and Poem

Bridal showers are long known for gift baskets, games, lingerie, and some fun sexy and suggestive gag gifts for the couple. One of the most common gift baskets or wishing well items are cleaning supplies for the bride and groom’s new home together. While cleaning supplies are certainly useful and can help offset some beginning ...

Karla News

Tide Laundry Detergent Vs. All Laundry Detergent

Washing clothes is never a fun chore and it’s even worse when you choose a laundry detergent that doesn’t do a good job. Throughout the years, I have tried several different laundry detergents. Two brands of laundry detergent that I will buy, anytime they are on sale, are Tide and All. Both of these brands ...

Karla News

Tide Versus Arm and Hammer Laundry Detergent

What ever happened to Tide laundry detergent? This should have been written back when we were comparing products! I thought it was me. I thought that I was washing my towels wrong. Maybe my husbands work clothes were getting mixed in with my towels and some other clothes. I tried washing out the washer like ...