Articles for tag: Extreme Weight Loss, Spinning Classes

Skinny Mom’s Guide to “Live in Fitness”

Losing weight is hard; it usually means breaking deeply ingrained habits. Many people are finding success losing weight and breaking those habits while on vacation. Resorts around the globe are offering weight lose vacations. Live in Fitness is one of those in the Scenic Marina Del Rey, California. Live in Fitness Enterprise is a live-in ...

Gym Memberships in Los Angeles

It is the perfect time to find a gym to join in Los Angeles. There are so many New Year resolution deals out right now. I like a gym that offers variety so that I don’t get bored with my workout routine. Here are the top gyms in Los Angeles to help you keep your ...

Surviving Your First Spin Class

With the New Year just behind us and our resolutions made, many might start seeking outlets to get into shape. You will find many classes at the gym ranging from stretching, to strength training to spin. I believe the number one reason people do not go to the gym is fear. Fear of the pain ...

Karla News

How-to Become a Spinning Instructor

Teaching spinning classes can be more than just a way to get paid to work out. The certification process is very inspiring and can help motivate you to train harder, to learn how to challenge yourself, and also to further establish your own mind-body connection, which is one of the basic tenets of spinning. It’s ...

Karla News

How-to Spin Basics: Bike Set-Up

As a Spinning Instructor I know how important it is for participants to have the proper bike set-up for their individual needs. Spinner bikes are the most important tool in this highly unique and challenging class and they can adjust to any body type. It’s important for instructors to ask their students if they need ...

Karla News

Best Stationary Bikes Under $500

These stationary bikes are great for spinning and well worth their price. The Spinner Sport $499.99 This is the original stationary spin bike. Features include a weighted wheel which creates momentum for a workout that is easy on your knees. The resistance knob allows you to control how much energy you exert while pedaling. ...

Spinning Classes in Southern New Jersey

Spinning classes are very popular exercise classes and are popping up everywhere. It is a great way to lose weight and have fun. Spinning classes are usually done indoors, in a studio at a fitness center, on a stationary fitness bike. This class is for all levels, but it can also be a vigorous work ...

Karla News

Scammed at LA Fitness

LA Fitness may be adequate for working out, but when it comes to account management, they are used car salesmen at best. Every year LA Fitness offers some sort of promotion that makes joining the gym sound easy as pie. Well, that part is true. Everything runs like a well-oiled machine while you’re signing your ...

The Top 3 Water Bottles for Cyclists

Cycling can be a great way to lose weight, spend time with family or friends, or just an activity you can do for yourself. The great thing about it is that cycling is an activity that you can do for recreation or competitively should you choose. Whether you plan on doing it for fun or ...