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How-to Become a Spinning Instructor

Spinning Certification, Spinning Classes, Spinning Instructor, Spinning Shoes

Teaching spinning classes can be more than just a way to get paid to work out. The certification process is very inspiring and can help motivate you to train harder, to learn how to challenge yourself, and also to further establish your own mind-body connection, which is one of the basic tenets of spinning. It’s not difficult to get certified as an instructor; however, it’s only after you become an instructor that your learning begins. A good instructor can learn a lot more than they teach, and hopefully will pass that on to others. Here’s how to start.

First, get online and go to spinning.com. This is the official spinning website. Johnny G is the creator of the indoor cycling movement, and the Johnny G certification is highly respected. It is the original cycling program, and one of the most challenging, rewarding, and safest.

Once at the website click on the instructor tab and then choose a training and a state. You can then see when and where the nearest trainings are. The cost is approximately $300 with the manual. You can register and pay online or over the phone. The sooner you register the better, because the manual is shipped right away. You will want to read it before attending the training. If there isn’t a training scheduled in your state, check back because they update frequently. You can also phone or email and request notification when a training is available nearby.

Before you attend your training, read your manual and familiarize yourself with the material. If you’re getting your certification, chances are that you’ve been spinning for a while. However, there is a lot of information in the book and it’s good to be prepared.

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The training is an all day affair, starting at 8 am and ending around 5 pm. Make sure you bring a pen or pencil, your manual, a change of clothes and comfortable clothes for the lecture, plenty of water, stiff soled or spinning shoes, a workout towel, a heart rate monitor, and lunch and snacks. You might want to bring items for showering if the facility is open after 5 pm, because you will be quite sweaty by the end of the day.

The day usually starts out with basic paperwork and lectures. Then the instructor will take you to the spinning room and teach you how to set students up on a bike. After everyone has set up someone on a bike your instructor will take you on a “form” ride. This is meant to teach you all of the proper spinning techniques, forms and procedures. He or she will also go over contraindicated movements, or movements that are dangerous and therefore not used in the spinning program. Then you will break for a half hour for lunch. Afterwards the instructor will take you through the rest of the manual. The last hour and a half will be a challenging ride through all of the spinning energy zones; recovery, endurance, interval, strength, and race day.

After you finish the training you will receive a certificate of completion. The only thing left after that is to take the online test which will complete your certification. You can also take the written test in the back of the book and mail it in. The test is 50 multiple choice questions and it’s open book. Once you pass with an 80% or over you will receive your certified Spinning instructor card in the mail. You will then officially be a spinning instructor! Let the journey begin

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