Articles for tag: Diet Pepsi, Leptospirosis, Soda Can, Urban Legends

The Top Five Urban Legends About Soda Cans

Urban legends always circulate on the Internet. Lately, ones about rat urine on soda cans have been circulating. There’s always the concern that it is something legitimate. Thankfully, there are sites that can help, but at times even they can be confusing. Here are the top five urban legends about soda cans and whether they ...

The Side Effects of Drinking Soda

Most people know that drinking soda every day can have adverse side effects on their body, yet people fail to stop drinking soda. It is unbelievable how unhealthy soda can be for your body. Even though drinking soda is a convenient way to quench you thirst, in actually, soda can actually dehydrate you even more. ...

Karla News

How to Make a Soda Can Hat

In the 1970s, crafts involving soda and beer cans cropped up everywhere. One of my favorites was making soda can hats for friends and family. I saw one, studied it for all of five minutes and made my own. Funny, the adults were astonished that an eleven-year old could do that. To me, the whole ...

Karla News

The Many Benefits of Baking Soda

Baking Soda is one of the world’s greatest elements towards cleaning, deodorizing, cooking, and healthcare purposes. Baking Soda can be used on people, animals, and a house to do amazing things. It’s a very inexpensive product and can be purchased at any retail store. Baking Soda has so many uses for us that no other ...

Karla News

Baking Soda is Much More Than a Baking Product

Baking soda is a great product with so many uses. Many people know it is for baking but, don’t realize just how handy that little box of baking soda can be in other areas of the house. Baking soda can be used for everything from cooking to cleaning and even deodorizing. It also works well ...

Karla News

How to Chill Your Soda Cans in Minutes

I am one of those types of people who have a multitude of ideas, but lack the know-how to truly implement them. Years ago, I realized that we have machines called microwaves that can make things hot in a short amount of time, but we do not have devices that can make things cold within ...

Karla News

Ideas for a Junior High Science Fair

Science fairs for any age student are about teaching the scientific method to kids: what a hypothesis is, how to think about an idea logically and critically, and how to test it rigorously and record results. A junior high school science fair is a perfect opportunity for younger students to demonstrate independence of thought and ...