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Top Ten Blink 182 Songs

Dude Ranch, Going Away to College

Top ten Blink 182 songs:

10: Apple ShampooDude Ranch

This is one of the songs that reminds me of why I fell in love with Blink 182. Listening to this song today makes me remember what Blink 182 used to mean to me, and how they used to make me feel. Blink 182 used to create a voice I could relate to. I miss that time in my life, and Blink 182’s career.

9: Enthused Dude Ranch

This is a similar song to Apple Shampoo is that it features the sort of Blink 182 battle cry I love. It starts out featuring vocals instead of instruments. It really puts the focus on the actual lyrics, which was uncommon for early ’90s ‘punk.’

8: Adam’s SongEnema of the State

I was a huge Blink 182 fan by the time this song came out, but it still surprised me. It was touching, and more importantly, it felt real. The lyrics created a voice that was gone, yet still apologizing for mundane things like spilling apple juice. One of Blink 182’s best lyrical songs.

7: The Rock ShowTake Off Your Pants and Jacket

By this time in Blink 182’s career, few people considered them as a punk act. They were far more pop. However, this song really took me back to the time I first fell in love with them, a time that they could still be considered punk.

6: Feeling ThisSelf Titled (Blink 182)

Blink 182’s last big hit in my eyes. I am glad they went out with a bang. They combined the soft vocal style they thrived on for so many years with the original 90’s punk attitude that made them famous for a great swan song. I like the fact that if someone who has never heard Blink 182 play, they could compare this song with any song off Dude Ranch and find it comparable. Blink 182 changed a lot through the years, but this song brings me back to their origins.

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5: Anthem Part TwoTake Off Your Pants and Jacket

One of many Blink 182 Rock/Pop Ballads. Some would consider this, and other songs like it by Blink 182, to be whiney. Although I agree at times, this is one Blink 182 song that really pulls a unique emotion out of me. There is an honesty is the tone and the lyrics that make it one of my favorites.

4: I’m SorryDude Ranch

This is another ballad type song from Blink 182. This song is made great by its honesty. “don’t bide your time, cause it is almost over…” It is honest, and is one of Blink 182’s best songs. Blink 182 recorded this song before they were popular, and you can hear the sincerity through the entire song.

3: JosieDude Ranch

One of the ultimate girlfriend songs. A tribute to a name (Josie) that shows up multiple times in Blink 182 songs. It is about loving a girl because she loves you for who you are, despite what you do, and in doing so put an image in my mind of the type of girl I one day wanted to be with.

2: Going Away to CollegeEnema of the State

One of the first songs that I felt I could empathize with. I fell in love with this song the summer I was going away to college, while knowing my High School girlfriend was also leaving in an opposite direction. It idealized what I thought, at the time, love was. It put the innocence and naivety of high school relationships next to getting older and questioning what you once felt. One of my all time favorite songs.

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1: DammitDude Ranch

I remember exactly where I was when I first heard the opening riff to this song. It made me feel something, which music had never done before. Thinking about it still energizes me. This is the song that introduced me to Blink 182, and ensured that I would love Blink 182 as long as they made music. There was something so real about the music. One of my top 5 songs of all time. Whenever I feel like I’m in a rut, I’ll pull out Blink 182’s Dude Ranch, and let it take me back to a time that music could still mean something. Sometimes, it even makes me feel like there is music out there that could mean something to me today.