Articles for tag: Jousting, Renaissance Faires, Renaissance Festivals

Karla News

Warhorses of the Hanlon-Lees Jousting Company

They were destriers, chargers, coursers. Proud, powerful names for equally mighty horses bred to catapult the armored knight into the forefront of battle. From the twelfth century to the fifteenth, the warhorse reigned supreme as the most feared weapon of European warfare. Thundering hooves rumbled the ground from England and France to Asia Minor and ...

Karla News

Renaissance Faires in New England

Late summer and autumn in New England are beautiful times. Renaissance Fairs are pleasant ways to spend a weekend day out in the fresh outdoor air. The Renaissance Fairs are outdoor events with a cast of colorful costumed characters recreating England in the Middle Ages. Following are some Renaissance Fairs in New England. Connecticut Renaissance ...

Karla News

Renaissance Faires in Illinois: August Through October, 2007

Fanciful Renaissance fairies will be bringing the past alive in Illinois in the upcoming months. Come one and all to see characters of times past. Knights, fairies, jugglers, minstrels, kings, queens and more will be recreated at the following Renaissance fairs in Illinois. Costumed characters in medieval clothing wander the grounds and interact with visitors. ...

Karla News

Ambiance Accent Ideas for Your Medieval/ Renaissance Wedding

To give the feel of a medieval wedding in modern times, you don’t need to exclude the luxury of silverware. But what colors should you choose? What type of decorum? Here are a few suggestions to help you along to the wedding reception you’ve always dreamed of. Colors Generally speaking the darker and richer the ...

Karla News

Renaissance Faires in Maryland

Renaissance Festivals are fantasy events that travel back in time to the medieval era. Lords, ladies, kings, queens, princesses and fairies wander festival grounds and entertain visitors. These are interactive events that encourage participation. Visitors often dress in period costumes and blend in with he performers and actors recreating the historical era. The Maryland Renaissance ...

Karla News

Renaissance Faire Fashion: Cleavage and Kilts

Renaissance faires and festivals are famous for the era-specific games, food, store front styles, drama, music and culture. Most notably, a faire would not be complete without the costumes of the faire employees and patrons. Dress ranges from historically accurate (referred to ‘garb’ instead of costume) to fantastic and outlandish. Many faire-goers confess to feeling ...

Karla News

Gift Ideas for Renaissance Faire Fans

Renaissance Faires are a popular past time for people who are interested the the Medieval era and people who just like festivals. The popular events usually run on weekends for a limited number of weeks in a particular season. Fans of the Ren-Faire love to dress up in character, entering another personality and a different ...