Articles for tag: Herpes Zoster, Keratosis, Poison Ivy Rash, Remedies for Poison Ivy, Urushiol

Common Skin Diseases in Adults: Actinic to Shingles

Developed a strange rash? It could be one of these four common adult skin diseases. Herpes Zoster or Shingles When in my twenties, I once developed a blistering rash on one of my shoulders. The intense pain accompanying this rash surprised me. It was not the sort of chafing discomfort many rashes cause, but a ...

Treating Poison Ivy with Herbs

I had never been bothered by poison ivy until I was much older. When I was younger, I could wade through fields of it without any ill effects. Such is not the case now. Now I can just look at the stuff and start itching. Fortunately, there are certain herbs that can be used to ...

Karla News

Homemade Remedies for Rash Relief

Whether you’re dealing with a rash caused by poison ivy, eczema, bug bites, or other minor skin irritations, you can use these homemade remedies for fast rash relief. Save yourself a costly trip to the pharmacy and find the ingredients you need right in your own kitchen. These homemade remedies will literally cost pennies to ...

Karla News

Stop the Itching from Poison Ivy and Poison Oak Naturally

Summer is my favorite time of the year, the warm weather, swimming, sunshine, and vacations make it enjoyable. However, along with all the positive things there are some negative things like the unbearable heat, mosquitoes, wasps, other annoying insects, and poison ivy and poison oak. If you’ve ever received a dose of poison ivy or ...

Poison Ivy- Information and Remedies

Poison ivy is one of the true plagues of the spring and summer seasons. It is an invasive plant that thrives in all states but Alaska and it is estimated that over 85% of the population is sensitive to this plant. In fact it is the most common allergy known with over 350,000 cases reported ...

Karla News

Homemade Remedies for Poison Ivy

Ever since I was a child, when the summer months roll around, I have gotten Poison Ivy. Lucky me. Some people aren’t allergic to the urushiol chemical that’s found in the oil on Poison Ivy leaves. Unfortunately, millions of people across the United States, including myself, are indeed allergic. So, people like us need to ...

Karla News

The Best Immediate Poison Ivy Treatment

Of course the best way to treat poison ivy is to prevent it in the first place. Sometimes, despite your best efforts, you develop the characteristic itching and rash associated with this irritating plant. The problem is this plant can be difficult to detect when you’re outside as it often hides underneath other plants. If ...

Poison Ivy Myths and Treatments: First-Hand Lessons

Until last week, I had always thought of poison ivy as something that created a small itchy spot that went away with about two days of hydrocortisone cream application. Over the course of the last week, I have learned more than I ever wanted to know about poison ivy, the rash it creates and ways ...

Karla News

Itching Skin? Good and Bad Remedies to Stop the Itch

Moderate to severe itching is unpleasant to say the least and can result from numerous sources, not limited to: bug bites, sunburn, fungal infection, dry skin, allergies, and a host of dermatological and medical conditions. The cause of itching will impact how well any given itch treatment works and which treatments work best. Obviously, if ...

Karla News

Benadryl Itch Stopping Cream, Extra Strength Review

I have to tell you first that I hate Yellow Jackets. I tangled with a nest of them last week when I was mowing my yard. Fortunately I was only stung once in the left heel. For some reason, I developed a red, itchy rash around the sting site. Sometimes I take Benadryl orally. It ...