Articles for tag: Raw Diet, Raw Foodist, Raw Foodists

Karla News

Does a Raw Food Diet Really Improve Your Skin?

Well, lets start from the beginning- most of us have probably heard of the latest craze “raw foodism”, so let me explain what it is first: Raw foodism is a movement promoting the consumption of uncooked, unprocessed, and often organic foods, as a large percentage of the diet. A raw food diet consists fully of ...

Karla News

Best Raw Food Retreats in the US

Raw foodism is a dietary practice in which adherents believe that foods heated at temperatures above 116 degrees Fahrenheit, or 47 degrees Celsius, loses essential enzymes. They focus on raw, unprocessed plant-based foods, saying these raw foods enhance the body’s immune system and ability to fight disease. Many people adopt a raw food diet to ...

Karla News

Top Ten Books on Raw Foodism

It has been a long and drawn out process for raw foodist to come to mainstream but it has finally been done, raw vegan food products and produce are now catching on with popularity around the world. As an open raw foodist, readers of my articles have outwardly come to me and asked for advice ...

Karla News

Smoothie Combinations for Raw Foodists

Smoothies are an excellent choice for raw foodists. They contain a blend of natural raw foods that are delicious and healthy. But you do not need to be a raw foodist, to enjoy the delightful and refreshing combinations of raw foods that blend together to make a nourishing smoothie. The following are some of my ...

8 Health Benefits of Alfalfa Sprouts

The leaves, stems, seeds and shoots of the alfalfa plant have been used historically for their many health-enhancing properties. The leaves of adult alfalfa plants are not generally palatable; their coarse texture makes them unsuitable for use in food. However, alfalfa sprouts provide all of alfalfa’s medicinal properties and health benefits, and they are easy ...