Articles for tag: First Pet, Mulberries, Rabbit Food, Tortoises

The Russian Tortoise: A Great First Pet for Your Child

The Russian tortoise is an active and friendly creature that will make a great first pet for your child. Between watching him prop himself up for a nose dive into his food to watching the little helmet shaped animal dig, your child will be entertained by this non-aggressive, docile pet. Tortoises are sturdy and grow ...

Karla News

Attract Wild Rabbits into the Yard

Many people spend their whole adult life trying to rid the lawn and garden of rabbits. On-the-other-hand, there are those who do everything they can to attract them. Knowing what attracts rabbits to the lawn and garden and the type of habitat rabbits prefer will make it easier to fill the yard with the magnificent ...

Karla News

Caring for a Pet Green Iguana

Almost all problems related to keeping a green iguana as a pet result from either improper feeding, lighting or caging. Of all the reptiles kept as pets the green iguana is one of the most favored. The green iguana loves eating leaves and basking in hot temperatures. They are vegetarians and do not eat insects ...

Karla News

Lionhead Rabbit Care and Information

The lionhead rabbit originated in Belgium and has been recognized since 2002 by the British Rabbit Council and the North American Lionhead Rabbit Club. They have long hair that surrounds their face called a mane just like a male lion. They have a rounded head and usually weigh between 2.5 and 3.5 pounds. They have ...

Karla News

Delicious, Healthy Toppings for Salads

Salads don’t have to be boring “rabbit food.” As with so many life experiences, what you get out of it depends on a large degree on what you put into it. Here are some salad toppings that will add an abundance of flavor and show your guests just what you bring to the table: Nuts, ...

Karla News

Product Review: Good Mews Cat Litter

There are over 73 million cats currently needing litter boxes changed in the United States.[1] Knowing that some cat litters can adversely effect my pets health, as well as their manufacturing and disposal can be less than “earth friendly”. I set out on the path to find an economical, safe and cost friendly cat litter ...

Karla News

Rabbit Manure Tea to Make Roses Bloom

Rose gardeners are a special breed. We baby our precious plants like mothers with newborns. We find the perfect spot to plant each floral species we add to our family of flowers. After extensive research, we carefully prune and clip and train our roses up to proper adulthood, just like all mothers with their children. ...

Karla News

Basic Ferret Care

Bouncy and playful, owning a ferret is much like owning a kitten that never grows up. Keep your furry friend happy and health with just a few basic steps for ferret care. First and foremost with any new pet, make sure you have your ferret spayed or neutered, if they have not been already. Male ...