Articles for tag: Pet Turtle, Turtle Care, Turtles

Karla News

How to Take Care of Your Pet Turtle

A turtle can make a delightful pet for any animal lover. So, if your child is pestering you for a pet turtle, why not purchase one? Taking care of a pet turtle is not really that difficult. Before bringing home your pet turtle, you must learn everything about its habits, habitat, and how to take ...

Karla News

The Ultimate Guide to Season Three of Arrested Development

February 10, 2006 will forever be known as a sad day in television history. You see, this was the day that the last four episodes of Arrested Development aired. There has never been a show quite like Arrested Development, and I think it’s safe to say that there will never be another one. This brilliant ...

Karla News

Grammar Made Easy: When to Use Hyphens and Dashes

Hyphens and dashes (-) appear to look similar but serve different purposes in the English language Use dashes (-) to; To present a list of items, objects. There are many parts to writing an essay- an introductory paragraph, the body paragraphs, and the concluding paragraphs. Your new pet turtle might need many things such as ...

Baby Turtles: Do You Know the Risk?

When I was about 10-years-old, I would head downtown with a couple dollars in my pocket from my paper route. I would be heading for Grant’s. The store had a lunch counter and the best cherry turnovers ever made. What they had that I really loved was animals, baby animals and fish. There were goldfish, ...

Karla News

Different Types of Turtles

Choosing a Healthy Pet Turtle Finding a pet turtle at a pet store can be a challenge. It is important to observe the enclosures that house the turtles for signs of neglect. This includes dirty and unkempt tanks, too many turtles within a single enclosure, and poor appearance. The best way to determine if the ...

Karla News

A Pet Turtle: The Red Eyed Slider

My daughter, Caroline, has a pet turtle, a red eyed slider called Snapper. I dread the words “We’re going out of town for a few days. Can you take care of Snapper?” I have to say yes because she and her husband have done me a lot of favors and she’s my daughter. But anyone ...

Karla News

Book Review: “Gemma” by Meg Tilly

Gemma is a compelling story by author/actor Meg Tilly, who herself suffered abuse at the hands of adults she trusted. I found the story almost intoxicating and difficult to put down. At the same time I was sickened by the cruelty and descriptions of abuse, I was inspired by the small voice of a very ...

Karla News

Top 5 Fun Pool Toys for Kids

Toys need to be durable and interesting to be a hit with kids and parents alike. So many toys are interesting for one day of play and get discarded after the “new” wears off. These top 5 pool toys for kids will bring hours of long-lasting enjoyment and play for your kids and even you ...

Karla News

7 Ways to Keep Your Turtle Healthy

Turtles, after goldfish, are one of the world’s most often neglected pets. Because they’re so inexpensive and easy to purchase, many people place little value on their care. Nearly everyone has a story about the demise of their childhood pet turtle. The market has tightened up a little, and it’s no longer as common as ...