Articles for tag: Edible Mushrooms, Morels, Mushrooms, Portobello, Shiitake

Karla News

Different Kinds of Mushrooms

Mushrooms, those tiny fungi that grow wild in fields around the world, provide numerous health benefits to those eating them. They are low-calorie foods, filled with Vitamin D and other nutrients that help people maintain healthy cholesterol and increase immunity. Mushrooms are also a good meat substitute for anyone who wants to try a vegetarian ...

Karla News

How to Dehydrate Morel Mushrooms

Dehydrating morel mushrooms is a common practice among individuals who harvest a large amount of morels during mushroom season. The dehydration process is used to savor the taste of the morel during the off-season. The best location to hunt for morels is in the Great Lakes region of the Midwest . This area seems to ...

Karla News

How to Cook Portobello Mushrooms

Although many of us think of Portobello Mushrooms as vegetables, they aren’t. Portobello’s are actually fungi. Veggie Dinners If you love Portobello mushrooms, you will love these easy and creative ways to cook Portobello’s that will finish off any dinner! Portobello mushrooms, also called Giant Mushrooms, are a nutritious way to complete any meal. Better ...

Karla News

How to Cook Mushrooms on the Grill

Preparing mushrooms on the grill is an ideal method of cooking these versatile vegetables. Mushrooms are comprised primarily of water. As a result, they can stand up to the high heat of the grill. As mushrooms cook on the grill, their flavor intensifies. Here are some tips for cooking mushrooms on the grill. Preparing mushrooms ...

Karla News

Savory Grill Time Recipes Perfect for Cookout Season

This is the time of year when we all migrate outdoors. The weather is beautiful and family functions start again. The grill is at the center of most of these events, and if you try these recipes at your next family event you will be the talk of the barbecue. Italian Potatoes 1 large sheet ...

Karla News

The Amazing Health Benefits of Chaga

When people get sick they turn to doctors for prescription antibiotics to make them better instead of turning to natural medicine provided by the earth. One of the earth’s most potent natural medicines is Chaga. Chaga is a mushroom that contains medicinal properties in it that can help strengthen and heal the body naturally. Appearance, ...

Karla News

The Thrill of the Grill – Mushrooms

Grilling is a definite summer pastime. Sure, a lot of us eat meat, but there are some who prefer veggies or even just want some variety in their grilled foods. That’s where mushrooms come in! Mushrooms come in many sizes, tastes and varieties. There are a few very important things to remember when grilling these ...

Karla News

The Health Benefits of Button Mushrooms

Many home cooks toss mushrooms into a salad, add them to spaghetti sauce, or sautee them as a side dish, but few consider the health benefits these fleshy fungi have to offer. Although they’re composed of more than eighty percent water, the lowly button mushroom has much to contribute from a nutritional standpoint and they’re ...