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The Amazing Health Benefits of Chaga


When people get sick they turn to doctors for prescription antibiotics to make them better instead of turning to natural medicine provided by the earth. One of the earth’s most potent natural medicines is Chaga. Chaga is a mushroom that contains medicinal properties in it that can help strengthen and heal the body naturally.

Appearance, Texture and Taste of Chaga

Chaga grows on white and yellow birch trees in cold climates up in the mountains and can be found in North America and Europe. You can tell when a Chaga is growing on a birch tree because it has a black rough cracked charcoal like appearance on the outside and is deep brown and yellowish on the inside. The mushroom is unlike other mushrooms because it is dense and hard just like charcoal. The aroma and flavor of the mushroom is woody, earthy and slightly vanilla tasting.

How is Chaga Used?

The most common way Chaga is used is to make a medicinal Chaga tea. The way Chaga tea is made is by smashing up the hard Chaga mushroom into small bits and pieces using a hammer and placing some chunks into a pot of water to boil for 20 minutes. As the Chaga boils in the water a deep golden brownish color is released which is all the potent nutrients in it that helps strengthen and heal the body naturally. Once the tea is made people sip on it as is often as possible. Some people even enjoy adding some honey to the tea to help sweeten it up.

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Now Chaga can also be ground up in a coffee grinder or blender to form into Chaga grinds. The ground Chaga can be used in a coffee pot the same way coffee can be to brew up a pot of hot Chaga coffee that you can add cream and sugar to for a healthy energizing hot beverage.

Other people use Chaga mushrooms to make tinctures, syrups, and creams. Chaga tinctures are a bit more potent and contain more medicinal properties in them. Chaga syrup is typically made with honey and is helpful for people who do not like taking tinctures, but it is not as potent. Chaga creams are useful because you can apply them to cuts, scrapes, burns, bruises, and eczema to help heal the skin naturally. Many people even enjoy using Chaga creams on their faces to slow down signs of aging.

The Nutrients and Medicinal Properties in Chaga

The potent nutrients in Chaga are betulinic acid, amino acids, saponins, beta glucans, antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. The medicinal properties in Chaga are anti-tumor, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-septic and anti-inflammatory.

Health Benefits of Chaga

The health benefits of Chaga are endless. I just started drinking Chaga daily to help boost my energy levels and help strengthen my immune system so I do not catch a cold or flu. I also find drinking Chaga daily helps clear my mind and allows me to be calm instead of loaded with anxiety. People who suffer from cancer should consider drinking Chaga tea throughout the day because it has the ability to help fight off cancer naturally. Some of the types of cancers Chaga helps fight off and prevent are breast cancer, colon cancer, brain cancer, stomach cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer and skin cancer. Those who suffer from respiratory infection or asthma should take Chaga syrups and tinctures daily to help heal the respiratory system and relieve the inflammation so breathing is easier. Chaga tea is also good to drink to help treat depression, fatigue, fungal infections, IBS, diabetes, viral infections, insomnia and irritability.

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Chaga has no side effects and is perfectly safe to drink as often as needed to help keep the body healthy and strong.
