Articles for tag: Chemical Warfare, Ecstasy, MDMA

Karla News

Inside Facts About Ecstasy

Ecstasy is quite a powerful drug. You may never really know what is in every single pill. Despite what you may think ecstasy can be very weak and have no effects on a person. It all depends on what the pill contains. Ecstasy was first created in 1912. It wasn’t until the 1950’s that the ...

Ways to Determine Ecstasy Purity

MDMA, commonly known as ecstasy, is a schedule I controlled substance. It is illegal to purchase, sell, or distribute this chemical without a DEA license (which is hardly ever given with regard to schedule I substances). Yet, no matter how stringent the DEA makes regulations on ecstasy, more people continue to use it. Why would ...

Karla News

Top Five Most Dangerous Drugs to Use

You can find drugs just about anywhere in the world. The addiction rates of certain drugs increase every year amongst teens and up, but why are people doing this? There are many possibilities to why people use drugs for recreational use, the main reason is simply starting off with prescription drugs. One particular type of ...

How Does Ecstasy Affect the Mind and Body?

There are so many ways to think about ecstasy. Maybe it is having a sense of euphoria, or something of that nature. According to one of the definitions of ecstasy in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, it is an extreme and usually rapturous emotional excitement. This term can also be used with sexual activities. But in this ...