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Inside Facts About Ecstasy

Chemical Warfare, Ecstasy, MDMA

Ecstasy is quite a powerful drug. You may never really know what is in every single pill. Despite what you may think ecstasy can be very weak and have no effects on a person. It all depends on what the pill contains. Ecstasy was first created in 1912. It wasn’t until the 1950’s that the government began testing it. They believed it could possibly help them in chemical warfare. Around the 1980’s it began being used non-medically and many Americans began using it. It was being called ecstasy at the time.

There are many street names for ecstasy, more than a person could possibly name. For example; E, X, Bombs, Rolls, MDMA, Molly. The word ecstasy itself is a street name. The medical word for MDMA (Ecstasy) is methylenedioximetamphetamine, but who would really call it that on the street? Pills can be all sorts of different shapes, colors, sizes, etc. Like previously stated, you never really know what is in every pill. There can be more of one substance in each pill or there can be an assortment of substances. For instance there may be a lot of caffeine in the “white bunnies” but there may be more amphetamine in the “blue dolphins” than there is caffeine. If you have never seen or heard of a person on ecstasy then you may not fully understand what control it has on the mind.

People now a days abuse ecstasy mainly because they want to have an eventful night, be more social, dance more, or escape reality. There are not many reasons to take this drug. You may become irritable or unhappy in the long run. Once a person is coming down from ecstasy they are completely miserable. It is a horrible sight to see. When they are “rollin” though, they are the happiest people in the world and absolutely love everything and everyone. A person might want to dance all night or listen to music all night. All their senses are heightened and they enjoy things a lot more. Eating on the other hand they want nothing to do with. Ones vision may become blurry and lights may seem brighter. Colors will also appear to be brighter and more enjoyable. Raves and clubs are popular places people on ecstasy might go because of the lights and/or music.

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Music also becomes much more satisfactory and loud bass and techno music are widely popular because of the crazy sounds and vibrations. A hidden side effect is what we call lock jaw. A persons jaw becomes very tense and hard to open. People tend to grind their teeth or bite on things. This can be a downfall for the person in the morning when they wake up and their jaw is very very sore. Smiling becomes a bit difficult as does talking. Ecstasy is a social drug it is not a drug to be taken alone. People take ecstasy and talk a lot more , they may also get a bit more personal with other people and say things they regret later in the night. I’ve read many articles that people have posted about ecstasy and their experiences with it and from what I have gathered people think that the effects sound great but there is a different side to it. It is very dangerous just like every other drug. On prescription bottles they tell you not to drink with mostly all prescriptions, well thats the same with ecstasy. Many fatalities have occured due to intoxication of alcohol and ecstasy. Mixing the two can be very deadly. A person gets very dehydrated when they take ecstasy. A person on ecstasy may consume a rather large amount of water but this may also be very deadly too. Other fatalities from ecstasy have been from consuming too mush or too little water.