Articles for tag: Marco Polo, Pool Games, Sharon Stone

Karla News

Swimming Pool Games Beyond Marco Polo

Marco….Polo! Is there any parent who isn’t tired of hearing that name by around the middle of June? There are other great pool games that can be played as the sultry heat of summer begins to turn even the most pasty of people into lobsters. If you are like me, you probably banned Marco Polo ...

Karla News

Marco Polo’s Life

Marco Polo is known around the world for different reasons. Such as the game you play in the pool called Marco Polo. But do you really know who he is? Well if you don’t, then I will tell you. Marco Polo was born in Venice in the year of 1254. His family was made up ...

Karla News

Marco Polo & Ibn Battuta

Given the difficulties and dangers of traveling in the 13th and 14th centuries, most people on the Eurasian landmass lived and died very close to where they were born without ever venturing very far from home.[1] Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta, however, were very different from most people. These two not only traveled the length ...

Karla News

Lesson Plan: Marco Polo and the Silk Roads Through Asia

This exercise is aimed at fifth graders. Students should have read Marco Polo: A Journey Through China, (MacDonald, The Silk Route: 7,000 Miles of History, (Major), and have the ability to use an atlas. Using the books students will create a map of the world of the Silk Roads to be used in a creative ...

Karla News

Ancient Chinese Inventions You Didn’t Know Were Chinese

1) Ice Cream– Yes, the Chinese invented the delicious dessert enjoyed the world over today. According to Maguelonne Toussaint-Samat , author of History of Food, “the Chinese may be credited with inventing a device to make sorbets and ice cream. They did it by mixing snow and saltpeter over containers filled with syrup. The inventor ...

Karla News

Marco Polo Lesson Plan

Marco Polo is the 13th century Venetian explorer credited with discovering and exploring the land of the Kublai Khan, grandson of the marauding Genghis, and his Mongols, which is modern day Mongolia. Marco Polo’s life, travels and writings are shrouded in a cloak of some confusion as to exact details. But we do know that ...

Karla News

A Review of Cathay Pacific Airlines

Cathay Pacific Airlines is an Asian airline company that primarily serves North America and South Asia. It is a popular airline offering flights with a luxurious business class and comfortable economy class that cater to a large number of passengers. It is best to avoid last minute travel with this airline as you tend to ...