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Marco Polo’s Life

Marco Polo, Polo

Marco Polo is known around the world for different reasons. Such as the game you play in the pool called Marco Polo. But do you really know who he is? Well if you don’t, then I will tell you.

Marco Polo was born in Venice in the year of 1254. His family was made up of merchants. But for the first 17 years of his life, he never saw his father or uncle. His grandpa was rich but when he died they lost all of his money. When he turned 17, Marco united with his father and uncle and traveled to China.

After traveling with his father and uncle, they all went back to Venice except for Marco. Marco set off on a journey with his brother to deliver something to Kublai Khan. Kublai Khan was a powerful Mongol Emperor. It took three years for Marco Polo to reach Kublai Khan. Kublai Khan wanted Marco in his service. He went on many missions. The first mission he went on was to Kara-Jang. In order for Marco to return to his home country he needed to escort a Mongol Princess. It took Marco Polo over three years because of the rough terrain. But once he finished he returned to his home in Venice. Of course his home town was in war with Genoa. Marco Polo was taken Prisoner of War. His cell mate was a famous writer, Rustichello. Together these two people wrote a book called The Travels of Marco Polo.

Marco Polo had an impact now and in the future. He used to say to go as far as you can and don’t stop until you reach your destination. He inspired many people because of how far he traveled. Today people read about his stories and set goals in life to travel as far as him. Marco Polo set his goals and broke records all because he followed Kublai Khan’s orders.

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Marco Polo became famous by traveling thousands of miles; in fact, he traveled more than twenty-four thousand miles. He is known as one of the greatest travelers of all time. He traveled because of the journeys he did for Kublai Khan. These journeys led Marco Polo through many parts in Asia and Europe. He was also known in his country well because of all of the stories he told.

In Marco Polo’s later years they did not know much. He stopped recording after he wrote his book, but we know today that he got married and had three children. On January eighth, he lay dying on his bed, where his family and friends beg him to tell some of his stories before his death. He died on that same day, January eighth, 1324. After Marco’s death, a man by the name of Ibn Battuta had traveled further and to more countries than Marco Polo.

While researching Marco Polo I found some things very interesting about him.
Such as, he traveled over 24,000 miles in over 24 years. That is an average of 1,000 miles a year! Also, he wrote a book on all of his travels. Marco Polo escorted a princess through a desert for 3 years. He only lived to be 70 years old. Something funny is he believed to have seen a mythical creature. His book he wrote was originally in Italian.

As you can see, I learned much about Marco Polo. He lived a good life and set dreams for many people around the globe.