Articles for tag: Liver, Liver Damage, Liver Disease, Liver Transplant

Explaining Liver Disease

Of the many diseases out there, liver disease is one of the scarier ones. And many people think that they’re safe from it. But this is not necessarily true. What is it? The liver is an internal organ of the body that fights off infections, aids digestion, eradicates toxic substances in the body, helps blood ...

Liver Disease: Common Symptoms

Liver disease has many different causes, but the symptoms can be vague and often undetectable until liver disease has caused significant damage. This is why doctors recommend having regular tests performed on the liver to make sure that everything is healthy. Liver disease can be a tricky illness because it shares symtoms with several other ...

NASH: A Liver Disease

Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis, better known as NASH is not a new disease. It is a liver disease that replicates a disease that is found in someone who is a heavy drinker. That disease is ASH, Alcoholic Steatohepatitis. The consensus is that people with NASH were assumed to be Alcoholics. According to the National Digestive Diseases Information ...

Karla News

Effects of Hypoglycemia on Your Dog

Hypoglycemia is the result of low blood sugar and can affect our dogs. I can tell you firsthand that although older and larger dogs rarely get hypoglycemia, small dogs are more susceptible. I have a small Chihuahua who was affected with low blood sugar as a puppy. Some dogs can also get the condition due ...