Karla News

Momo: The Missouri Bigfoot Monster of 1971

During the summer of 1972, newspapers all across the country picked up the story of “Momo”. Momo is a short abbreviation of Missouri. MO is the abbreviation, and when you say this shortened name twice, you get the word Momo.

This United States monster story happened in a small town that is located in northeast Missouri. During July of 1971 is when the first reported encounter happened with Momo, the Missouri monster. It all started when there were two people out for a picnic when they witnessed a “half ape half man” creature. The creature reportedly had an awful smell to it.

The couple said the monster walked out of an area of thicket, and then started to come towards them. They ran into their car and locked the doors. The couple say the creature ate the peanut butter sandwich they left when they ran into the car. After eating the sandwhich, the creature went back into the wooded area.

The two women, who were the two at the picnic, reported this encounter with the police. The police did not reveal this monster encounter with the public. After more reports came in of the Momo monster, police finally released information to the public a year after the first reported sighting.

Another sighting of Momo happened when three kids saw the monster. They reported that Momo was six to seven feet tall and it was black and hairy. It also was covered with blood and was carrying a dead dog. Later after that encounter, a neighbor in the area reported hearing strange growls nearby, then his new dog had vanished.

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There was another Momo encounter that was investigated by the police. A fireball was reportedly seen over the Marzoff Hill, and some kind of light behind an old school house. Just five minutes later, another light was seen in the same area. It was also reported that there was some kind of growling sound heard. The police looked into this incident, but nothing was discovered.

The only kind of “evidence” that was found, was a disgusting odor reportedly coming from an old building on top of the hill. This gross odor was connected to sightings of Momo in Missouri. Some witnesses to the Momo monster say there was a glowing light that blew up, and then a fowl odor would then appear.

There were footprints discovered and they were scientifically investigated. One set of footprints went into scientific analysis by Lawrence Curtis. Lawrence was a director for the Oklahoma City Zoo at the time. He said the footprints he looked into were nothing but a hoax.

During the Momo sightings, there were also UFO reports of unusual lights and fire balls in the sky. Was the monster real, or was it someone playing a joke on the local towns people? One witness sketched a picture of what he saw, when he came close to the Missouri monster Momo. He believed the creature was real, as do many other people today.

Jerome Clark “Unexplained!” 1993