Articles for tag: Hair Gel, Head Lice, Lice, Popular Hairstyles

Karla News

Preventing Head Lice

Now that kids are heading back to school, head lice is a major concern for parents and school officials. There are numerous articles with information on getting rid of head lice. How about preventing head lice before it infests your kid’s hair and disrupts your life? Preventing the spread of head lice is a wise ...

Karla News

Lice Patrol: What to Do if You Find Lice

There is typically a rise in head lice outbreaks in the spring. Sports are partly to blame. Spring is the start of helmet season,” says Ilene Steinberg co-owner of Lice Lifters, “Baseball, softball, and bike helmets are a catalyst for head lice.” Anytime head-to-head contact or sharing of equipment is involved, lice will be in ...

Karla News

Home Remedies for Lice

Motto for Getting Rid of Lice: Leave nothing to chance when it comes to lice. Tired of not being able to get rid of lice? Try these home remedies that are tried and true. Get your house back and get rid of the lice today! If you are reading this article, you have no doubt ...

Karla News

Kill Head Lice with Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil is a natural home remedy to kill head lice. Instead of using harsh chemicals, which can be especially harmful to the tender scalp of children, tea tree oil offers a natural alternative that does not damage the hair or irritate the scalp. Yet the tea tree oil still successfully kills lice and ...

Karla News

4 Lice Myths

Dr. Barbara Frankowski, a professor of pediatrics at the University of Vermont College of Medicine, helps to bust the common beliefs about head lice. Head lice is gross but having lice does not make you a bad person. You can rectify the situation by treating the lice as soon as possible. It also helps in ...

Karla News

Home Remedy for Head Lice in Four Steps

A Four-Step Home Remedy for Head Louse Infestation There are lots of misconceptions about head lice, the biggest being that those who suffer from this condition are somehow unclean, or have poor personal hygiene. But, the truth is, personal hygiene has nothing to do with whether or not a person will get head lice. In ...

How to Find Head Lice on a Child’s Head

Head lice are a common problem among children, much to the dismay of parents. Few parents relish the thought of finding lice growing on their child’s scalp. Although lice aren’t a serious health threat, these tiny parasites aggressively feed on scalp tissue which can lead to significant itching and rash which can become secondarily infected ...

Karla News

How to Prevent Head Lice in Children

Head lice, also called pediculus humanus capitis, are parasites that live on human heads and feed on human blood. Head lice are the most common of the three types of lice that affect humans. Approximately 6-12 million people in the U.S. get head lice every year. Of that number, the vast majority are children. In ...

Karla News

Disease Spread by Lice

America is in the middle of the biggest outbreak of Head Lice and Body Lice a.k.a bedbugs in over six decades. This news got even worse as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a new report linking Head Lice and Body Lice to the disease Bartonella Quintana. According to the Centers for Disease ...