Karla News

Lice Patrol: What to Do if You Find Lice

Bike Helmets, Lice, NIT

There is typically a rise in head lice outbreaks in the spring. Sports are partly to blame. Spring is the start of helmet season,” says Ilene Steinberg co-owner of Lice Lifters, “Baseball, softball, and bike helmets are a catalyst for head lice.” Anytime head-to-head contact or sharing of equipment is involved, lice will be in abundance.

Early detection is key to keeping a lice problem under control.

So what do you do if you spot lice?

  • First inspect all the other members of the household. We had a contained case at our house a few years ago, but just the thought of having lice had everyone itching!
  • When looking for nits, remember they will not be easily flicked off. A live nit must be pulled straight along the hair to be removed; usually this has to be done with a special nit comb. In fact, dedicated combing with a nit comb for 10 days can remove all traces of lice, but this time consuming method is usually combined with over the counter products.
  • Second, choose an OTC product and use as directed. Regardless of what product you choose, if it is not used exactly as prescribed it will not work. Accidentally diluting the product with shampoo or water, not applying it to the shaft or not leaving it on long enough will lead to stronger, more persistent lice. You should also treat all the members of the house at the same time. As annoying as this is, you do not want the lice to jump from one child to another.
  • Wash all bedding, pillows, stuffed animals, hats and other belongings in hot water. If an item cannot be washed, seal it in a plastic bag for several days. Other items can be soaked in hot water and Lysol for an hour. Vacuum frequently and change the bags or empty the canisters.
  • Follow-up with a doctor if the lice are still spotted after following these steps. Strong strains of lice can be difficult to overcome, but your doctor can prescription-strength product. Use with caution though, powerful products such as Lindane and Malathion can be dangerous if ingested.
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If you are hit with a lice infestation, remember that it is a very common problem. In fact between six and twelve million heads are affected each year, mostly seen in children between the ages of three and twelve. Any child can pick up head lice; all that is needed is close head-to-head contact or a handy carrying vehicle like a baseball helmet recently used by a player with lice.

Ultimately though, head lice is not life threatening. Keep this in mind when fighting the little monsters; you will win!

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