Articles for tag: Cinemark, IMAX, Imax Theaters

Karla News

The IMAX Theater at Pittsburgh Mills

You walk up to the ticket counter and purchase a ticket for the evening showing of “Salt,” starring Angelina Jolie. You walk through the doors into a wide open lobby and head straight to the concession counter for some popcorn and Coca-Cola. After doctoring your popcorn with butter and salt, you head back to the ...

Karla News

IMAX or Regular Movie?

Most people in some time have gone to the IMAX theater. But what makes it so much better than the regular movie theater that admission is almost double? Is it the large screen, or pounding audio? What drives people to sit in a theater for $11 per person? Is the IMAX better than the regular ...

Karla News

Penn Cinema: Lancaster County’s Best!

For years, residents of northern Lancaster County, PA found themselves driving miles to the nearest movie theater, until the opening of the Penn Cinema in Lititz, PA. The Penn Cinema has now established itself as the area’s best independent movie house. Penn Cinema is a state-of-the-art multiplex theater. An expansive IMAX theater wing opened in ...

Karla News

Family Fun in Omaha: Tips and Suggestions

Omaha sits at the confluence of the Missouri and Platt rivers directly across from Council Bluffs, Iowa. The economic prosperity of Omaha has ebbed and flowed over the years. It became a meatpacking powerhouse in the 1930s and 1940s. Like other urban areas in the United States, Omaha suffered from the flight to the suburbs ...