Articles for tag: Fuel Consumption, Green Cars 2010, Hybrid Cars

Karla News

Honda’s Line of Hybrid Cars

Hybrid cars are considered to be the car of the future. Because of the rising cost of fuel prices, hybrid cars are without a doubt suitable in today’s fuel economy. With hybrid cars, you will be able to cut fuel consumption by half. This means that you can effectively go 60 miles or more in ...

Karla News

Top 10 Hybrid Cars of 2009

Hybrid cars are a great alternative to traditional gasoline powered cars. Hybrid cars have significantly less of an impact on the environment because they have zero carbon emissions. American auto makers are beginning to produce some of the best Hybrid cars in the world. Hybrid cars will help you save money on gas every month. ...

Karla News

Pros and Cons of Hybrid Cars

Everyone wants to save money these days and with gas prices on the steady rise finding more economical ways to get around is a number one priority for most. Hybrid cars are a popular solution that is sweeping the nation but are they really all that they are cracked up to be? Here are some ...

Karla News

Hybrid Cars – The Advantages and Disadvantages

Hybrid Cars – The advantages – The enormities of environmental concerns along with high gasoline costs are driving more people towards the hybrid car market. Conventional cars are still getting relatively lower miles per gallon. The hybrids, with their fuel and battery-powered engines, use up much less fuel. Hybrid car drivers do not feel as ...

Karla News

Hybrid Cars – the Good and the Bad

Most people believe that there are more good points than there is bad when it comes to purchasing a hybrid car. Hybrid cars are considered to be the cars of the future. More and more people each day are selling their gasoline only cars to get their hands on a hybrid. Why do more and ...